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Wifout Teef

Some beginner questions

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Hi I absolutely love Arma 2. Game of the Year for me. But I have some questions as I am kinda new to the series.

-Can someone tell me how I can make an objective in the editor? I really cannot find it out. I just want to know how to simply make an objective for either blufor or opfor to capture a town so the AI actually moves around to the town.

-How do I rotate things in the editor? For example I want to make a jet face the other way.

I may edit in new questions if I can think of any.

Thanks in advance.

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Check out this editing guide http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2434

Or this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor

Not sure if it's the latest edition but I think most of it applies to ArmA2 as it did in arma.

There are many ways you can make an objective.

e.g Make a waypoint to go somewhere (by selecting 'waypoint' and have a unit selected, then double click a point on the map, a menu will come up - change options, order etc and/or then make a trigger for example :- when all of a certain type of enemy is cleared of an area the objective is complete)

Not very detailed, but hey it'll do..just read the guides - I figured a lot of basic stuff by messing around.

This is a very simple objective as they can become very complex with multiple scripts - I am slowing learning..:P

I think you could say your imagination is the limit etc ;)

Oh btw when you create a unit you will see a little dial called azimut this is the direction they will face.

You can use modules to create things like ambient combat etc check this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA_2:_Editor_Modules

For ambient combat : - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager

Also i think there is an auto generator for missions I think on the main menu you click single player then scenarios then my mission and there are presets, you can also edit these preset premade configurations as you please and learn how the missions work/are created by sort of reverse engineering the mission in the editor I guess...you could use pboview in the same way.

I'll try a video tutorial for basics if I have time even though I still trying to learn the basics myself it might help me to learn it them in the process :P

I think to create briefings and objectives you should take a look at this too http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73424

Edited by _Cappa

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Cappa's right, basic editing guide will help you out immensely but in short answer:

-The easiest way to set up a 'win' trigger is to place a Trigger big enough to encompass your objective, with the trigger either reading East/West -Not Present. Then hit 'End1' and any effects you may want to add.

-Rotating an object: Just click the 'Unit', then click on any direction you want in the 'Azimut'.

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Rotating an object: Just click the 'Unit', then click on any direction you want in the 'Azimut'.

Or hold down shift,click and hold on a unit and move mouse around!

For multiple units:- drag a box around them 1st. :cool:

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Check out this editing guide http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2434

Or this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor

Not sure if it's the latest edition but I think most of it applies to ArmA2 as it did in arma.

There are many ways you can make an objective.

e.g Make a waypoint to go somewhere (by selecting 'waypoint' and have a unit selected, then double click a point on the map, a menu will come up - change options, order etc and/or then make a trigger for example :- when all of a certain type of enemy is cleared of an area the objective is complete)

Not very detailed, but hey it'll do..just read the guides - I figured a lot of basic stuff by messing around.

This is a very simple objective as they can become very complex with multiple scripts - I am slowing learning..:P

I think you could say your imagination is the limit etc ;)

Oh btw when you create a unit you will see a little dial called azimut this is the direction they will face.

You can use modules to create things like ambient combat etc check this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA_2:_Editor_Modules

For ambient combat : - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager

Also i think there is an auto generator for missions I think on the main menu you click single player then scenarios then my mission and there are presets, you can also edit these preset premade configurations as you please and learn how the missions work/are created by sort of reverse engineering the mission in the editor I guess...you could use pboview in the same way.

I'll try a video tutorial for basics if I have time even though I still trying to learn the basics myself it might help me to learn it them in the process :P

I think to create briefings and objectives you should take a look at this too http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73424

so that editing guide works for arma 2 also?

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@ sate - yes probably 90% of it.

Mr-murry is working on an ArmA2 version though.

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