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Desesperated!: need help!

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Can someone pls help me on how to load custom sounds for a veichle in ARMA II?

I try hard but sounds wount load.

Portion of the cfgveichle:


soundEngine = {"\p51\DATA\Sounds\x4", 316.227783, 1.300000};


class Sounds {

class EngineLowOut {

sound = {"p51\data\sounds\x2.wav", 2.238721, 1.200000, 700};

frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)";

volume = "engineOn*(rpm factor[0.85, 0])";


class EngineHighOut {

sound = {"p51\data\sounds\x4", 2.238721, 1.600000, 700};

frequency = "1";

volume = "engineOn*(rpm factor[0.55, 1.0])";




Whats wrong? i have try with both .wav and wss files.

pls need help.

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soundEngine[] = {"\p51\DATA\Sounds\x4", 316.227783, 1.300000", 0.8, 1.0};

you are forgetting brackets []

class Sounds {

class EngineLowOut {
sound[] = {"p51\data\sounds\x2.wav", 2.238721, 1.200000, 700};
frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)";
volume = "engineOn*(rpm factor[0.85, 0])";

class EngineHighOut {
sound[] = {"p51\data\sounds\x4", 2.238721, 1.600000, 700};
frequency = "1";
volume = "engineOn*(rpm factor[0.55, 1.0])";

Edited by binkster

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volume = "engineOn*(rpm factor[0.85, 0])";

Shouldn't that be [0.85, 1.0])?

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Sounds work right now. I had to use Thrust factor instead of rpm factor in the frecuency line. Problem was that RPMs hit 100% when the start up secuence is over. so there is no further change in RPMs when you trottle up. (at least in my moddel configuration) Volume thou should be atached to "RPM" instead of

"EngineOn" or else you hear the lowengine sound and/or idle sound start the second the engine starts up so it plays along with the start engine sound. Using "RPM" as volume triger the idleing sounds start off when RPMs are at 100%. Only downside (wich im trying to fix) is that when you turn off engine Idleing sounds keep playing until engine fully stops and it plays along with the stop engine sounds. I guess i have to use "(RPM factor [x,x]*" to triger volume in and out. but havent try this yet.

soundEngineOnInt[] = {"p51\startupint.wav", 0.562341, 1.0};

soundEngineOnExt[] = {"p51\startup.wav", 0.562341, 1.0, 550};

soundEngineOffInt[] = {"p51\p51shutdownint.wav", 0.562341, 1.0};

soundEngineOffExt[] = {"p51\p51shutdown.wav", 0.562341, 1.0, 550};

class sounds {

class IdleOut {

sound[] = {"\p51\p51idle", 0.562341, 1.000000, 400};

frequency = "1";

volume = "rpm*camPos*(thrust factor[0.2, 0])";


class engineLowOut {

sound[] = {"\p51\x1.wav", 1.778279, 1.000000, 1400};

frequency = "0.6+ (thrust factor[0.1, 0.4])";

volume = "rpm*(thrust factor[1, 0.1])";


class EngineHighOut {

sound[] = {"\p51\x4.wav", 2.238721, 1.600000, 700};

frequency = "0.9+ (thrust factor[0.1, 0.5])";

volume = "engineon*(thrust factor[0, 0.1])";


class ForsageOut {

sound[] = {"\p51\forsageout.wav", 2.238721, 1.100000, 1800};

frequency = "1";

volume = "engineon*(thrust factor[0.5, 1.0])";

cone = {3.140000, 3.920000, 2.000000, 0.500000};



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hi there,

if you still have troubles,

send me your p51, I'll see what I can do.

I have been playing a lot, to adjust sound on my cars and planes too.

=DST= ocramweb

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