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Advantages of using gfx setting "Terrain Detail"

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While playing with the graphics settings for performance testing, I noticed that the grass in the game can be totally removed with the Terrain Detail setting set to "Very Low".

I havent tested this in multiplayer but it would appear to give a big advantage to those who dont care about realistic nice graphics and want total advantage!

I have included two screenshots comparing the setting to Normal... as you can see the solider in the field is very easily seen with "very low" setting.




Also I'm wondering why the lighting from this street light looks so bad... reminds me of Quake 2 lights back in 1998 :P



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The Terrain Detail setting are dictated by host/server. Can be overrided in missions/addons though so if you are concerned about it only play on servers using signed addons.

It's not an issue in co-op missions but can be to your disadvantage in P vs P missions if others use "Very Low".

Regarding the light you have to ask the devs I guess ;)


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Hello KeyCat,

Thanks for the informative answer!

Good news that it can be forced! How would one know if the particular map/game/server is not forcing at least normal? I guess if I set mine to "very low" when playing MP I would notice it upon entering the game.

Its a big advantage but honestly it looks very ugly and I would prefer a more realistic image, camouflage is a big part in infantry warfare!


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Great post and screenshots. I've had an idea for a while that the lower terrain settings should bury the players into the ground some to compensate for the obvious advantage. The amount of burying would depend on the height of the vegetation. Also the player model on lower terrain settings should be blended (color-wise) into the ground to 'simulate' the ground cover.

Would love to see that implemented in a patch! :)

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Why just on lower settings? The models should be blended regardless of setting. Other games such as the Delta Force series already do this (Joint Operations with its jungles being most notable.

I still have images I took really, really long ago. Was taken with a desire to see it in the then newest game about to come out, Battlefield 2, lol.

http://web.telia.com/~u85528876/jo/camo2.jpg - See the soldier?

http://web.telia.com/~u85528876/jo/camo3.jpg - Grass blending with the legs outside grass rendering range (it looked great in motion).

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I never did understand why at night, NO LIGHT EXISTS EVER.

We were converging on a town and there were street-lights, vehicle lights, but if you took your NVs off, Hah! You weren't seeing bunk...

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Hi Surtr52

Takes a few 10s of seconds for your virtual eyes to adapt, to changes in light levels, game feature. When you take off the NV your virtual eyes have been looking at a bright screen.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Also I'm wondering why the lighting from this street light looks so bad... reminds me of Quake 2 lights back in 1998 :P



YES! The light UMBRELLAS look very crude, and harken back to Quake 2 circa 1998. I wonder why these umbrellas can't at the very least become blurry. There must be some cheap trick to diminish the horrible outline without too much performance hit. At least I hope there is.

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Murklor, yes great examples. I completely agree. The players should blend into the terrain at distance, depending on a few factors like haze in the air, etc..

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