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ArmA II is #1!

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Over 3 million by 2007 or 2008. Will not be even half of that, solely because ARMA 2 has mouse smoothing which was not in OFP.

It was, I had the same behavior with OFP:Res

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And suddenly this "weight and gravity" flies right out of the window when you hit high FPS readings above 100?

How did you get ArmA 2 to run at 100FPS? Did you run it on one of these? :p

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Fanboyism... Do you know me even the slightest? No you dont so please stop the name calling. Im talking from my OWN and many friends experiences. We dont feel what you feel. You want to pick a fight because of that?

I dont see you helping people but only complain. At least im trying, and while im at it im telling my thaughts of how it might be. If it feels good to me and i hear nothing but good from everyone i play with how is that "fanboyism"? If i would say it even though it WAS laggy - that would be another thing. I added some reasons to why some might feel its sluggish.

Keep the complaints up!

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Day 5! ArmA II is still holding the #1 Top Selling slot on Steam!


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We will Have to wait until NPD releases game Sales figures, Its sad i can't be part of the figure until i get some money:(

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Fanboyism at it's best. Mouse smoothing is not weight and gravity for your movements, you get the same drifting effect with a 100kg tube as you do with a pistol in the game. And suddenly this "weight and gravity" flies right out of the window when you hit high FPS readings above 100? huh.

ArmA 2 would be #1 without this bug, it's a shame BIS don't realize it.

Not true, but keep trying, your doing a good job at that.:D

I have the same mouse movement at 20 as I do at 60+ fps even on an old ps/2 or usb mouse.

Im talking from my OWN and many friends experiences. We dont feel what you feel. You want to pick a fight because of that?

I dont see you helping people but only complain. At least im trying, and while im at it im telling my thaughts of how it might be. If it feels good to me and i hear nothing but good from everyone i play with how is that "fanboyism"? If i would say it even though it WAS laggy - that would be another thing. I added some reasons to why some might feel its sluggish.

Keep the complaints up!

I've been relating my own experiences and others too in an effort to help find the root cause of this mouse lag, but it just seems all he does is post in every thread possible about this problem in hopes that the squeeky wheel will eventually get the grease. I don't think he realizes the more he complains, the less people will listen.

It's a fact that some people have this problem, even though they've tried all the fixes and others, like myself and friends don't have this problem. Lets hope that BIS comment on this and produce some sort of fix in the next or following patches, because as much as Leonardi likes to point this out every chance he gets, it is a major problem for some.

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Congratulations BIS !! The true spiritual succesor of Flashpoint is here, and it's kicking Codies A$$ big time :D

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I have the same mouse movement at 20 as I do at 60+ fps even on an old ps/2 or usb mouse.

Me too, but try 100+ fps.

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Even with some amazing half-price sales on games like Fallout 3, ArmA II is still the #1 top selling game for six days on Steam!


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Well, I just contributed to that number yesterday. My pc can't run it well, but oh well, I'm enjoying it.

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ignore , wrong thread !

Edited by cartier90

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Pretty amazing for a game from a Czech Developer many in the industry still don't recognize, in a genre the industry has widely trivialized as 'insignificant' -- and there's ArmA II bouncing around in and out of the #1 slot on Steam for almost a month!

Even more amazing when you consider ArmA II is competing with titles that have marketing budgets that are larger then some Western Eurpean countries defense budgets.

Still visible at #6, on the Steam 'Top Sellers' list, and #1 in my heart for a slew of reasons that no Developer or Publisher compete with or even seem to consider!


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Being Number 1 & 2 has some benefits and drawbacks :

Benefits is that BI can invest more in the next game in the series...if there is one.

Drawbacks is there will be more idiots/people who don't know what they're doing. More under 18 gamers in the world than over 18, I'm not saying young people are all TK'ers, you can get some who are willing to cooperate. I got TK'ed by some idiot on a server today, I was injured, he came up to me and shot me square in the face, then started shooting at a friendly helicopter.

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Note that the only reason it's number one is that you can't get a copy from a store, i.e you can only get it from the internet...

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Being Number 1 & 2 has some benefits and drawbacks :

Benefits is that BI can invest more in the next game in the series...if there is one.

Drawbacks is there will be more idiots/people who don't know what they're doing. More under 18 gamers in the world than over 18, I'm not saying young people are all TK'ers, you can get some who are willing to cooperate. I got TK'ed by some idiot on a server today, I was injured, he came up to me and shot me square in the face, then started shooting at a friendly helicopter.

Valid concerns, but I think ArmA II offers plenty of resources for dealing with the drawbacks -- I don't think many of the 'twit' types will be interested in even approaching mods like A.C.E., and the worst of the worst won't find ArmA II engaging for long. I think there are more positives from good sales for a game like ArmA II and Developer like BI then negatives. There will be more players to sustain the kinds of games you're looking for (this has been a real short-fall for North America), obviously more resources to support and sustain development, and

more Mod Talent.

I don't think Mod Talent can be over valued, while BI's games from get-go offer more feature bang-for-the-buck then anything I know of, it's the brilliant Mod Talents that pour yet more labor of love into the game compounding it's value many thousands of times. Imagine what a Publisher like Ubisoft or EA would charge for content like the ArmA Modders offer -- imagine what they'd do to it... Heck imagine what they'd do to a game like ArmA II, and a Developer like BI...


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Imagine what a Publisher like Ubisoft or EA would charge for content like the ArmA Modders offer -- imagine what they'd do to it... Heck imagine what they'd do to a game like ArmA II, and a Developer like BI...


Not too hard to imagine, we'd be playing Cod4 and BF2 combined.

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