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miision: Incursion

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im trying to complete this mission. tried it a few times. different ways.

this mission is the covert ops mission where u gotta steal some documents frm a nut case's house .

heres wat ive done so far, went all the way left, making sure no one spotted me. went to the see, went around the fence, and went to house.

ive noticed that sometimes the lights outside are on, and sometimes off. (id prefer em off duhh.) theres also a bmp circling the parimeter.

so how the #### do i get in, i always die trying to get in house, too many d*amn soldiers.

how'd u guys pass this???

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This is how i did it... There is a tank patroling with the crew exposed, I killed them and stole their tank, then used it to kill every russian I could see, stole the docs and drove home. I thought the house was to well defended to sneak up on coz there are russians everywhere.

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This took me a couple of attempts to get right. In the end I took a sniper rifle, went around the left side of the house and hid in some bushes really close to the house. Then I picked off all the troops I could see (1 or 2 at a time so as not to let guards know where I am), waited until the BMP was out of sight, then sprinted into the house, grabbed the docs and ran out. Ended up with 30 kills. smile.gif

The other way I tried to do it was to steal one of the choppers from the nearby base. I killed both Shilkas, but the other chopper had already taken off and he shot me down. I have heard that if you simply fly over Guba's house, you somehow pick up the docs, so I could have tried that instead of trying to shoot down the chopper myself.

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I did it just like you Random. But when I took off with the Mi24, I soon understood that there were two shilkas. And I had only taken out one. The shilka is not really the problem, but where it hid was a mystery to me.

And that about the house is really funny..... If the alarm goes off, some 10-20 people drop straight out of the air and comes looking for you. Luckily a BlackOp is virtually invisible, and when hiding in a bush you are always safe.

Actually the T72 spotted me once, since I had fired to many times and killed many soldiers. But it just rolled over to me, and stood over me. It knew I was there, but would not kill me until I came out of the bush.....

So I just sprinted away and hid behind a tent, and resumed my sniping when the T72 was gone.

Maybe a bug to fix there BI? Or actually there *is*, but I think that it is a known problem.

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How do you kill the crew of the tank?

When I try I start picking one but then the other 2 immidiately turn in. Where do you do it, with which weapon, from what angle of the tank etc.?

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I just went all the way to the water on the right side to get around the fence headed for his house busted a cap in everyones ass around there and made a break for it.......I also managed to steal a chopper one time.......

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I completed the mission the hard way first time too. Completely stealth only shot a couple of bad guys (the guard at the front door of Guba's house and a few others).

This time I managed to steal a Hind. This is my score: <span style='color:red'>XXX</span>  and measly 200 points! mad.gif

I don't get it! The defriefing says "That's superb work Commander...", all mission objectives accomplished and here is my stats: :biggrin:

<span style='color:green'><ul>



[*]3x Shilka

[*]2x Officer (night eq.)


[*]2x RPG Soldier

[*]3x Machine Gunner

[*]12x Crew

[*]13x Soldier


That's 32 men and 6 vehicles, single handed. I even took a screenshot of the debriefing. I might print in and put it in frames... :biggrin:

(Edited by Tor at 4:10 am on Oct. 19, 2001)

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There's a bit of a trick to killing the tank crew, I just used the silenced HK, you need to be pretty close and in position to see all three crew at once coz you don't have time to muck about. Kill the commander first, this slows down the reaction time of the other two crew, but you still have to be fast and accurate. The driver is hardest to target, coz he is the least exposed and the gun gets in the way, but if you kill the commander and gunner first he doesn't seem to notice, plus there is nobody to order him to button up, so he won't untill he comes under fire himself, by then it should be to late...

it's a nice night the leave the top down, but haven't these guys heard of drive bys?

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I also went far right down to water around fence, walked to the very back of house, waited for tank by the rock, (i was in bushes) when he parked by me, i set a satchel, crawled behind Rock setoff satchel then slowly crawled my way to house , picking off anyone i saw, got docs. and went out the same way i came in.


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intersting ways. i was stuck on that mission for a very long time but i got tired and just cheated. by ending the mission with a code. BAD CARL!!!!

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To kill a tank crew and take their tank, I think you have to kill the driver first (hard because only his head is exposed). Then the tank can't move anywhere. The other crew members will then get out and try to climb into the driver's seat (don't know why the have to get out to do this, but anyway...). You have to be quick, and kill the other crew before they get back onboard. Then you get a tank with no crew all to yourself.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from UDS Knight on 8:17 am on Oct. 19, 2001

I also went far right down to water around fence, walked to the very back of house, waited for tank by the rock, (i was in bushes) when he parked by me, i set a satchel, crawled behind Rock setoff satchel then slowly crawled my way to house , picking off anyone i saw, got docs. and went out the same way i came <span id='postcolor'>

I did almost the same. Headed due north till the shoreline, then alongside the shorline, crossing past the end of the fence, heading due west. Then, I went around and south, approaching the house from the southwest, prone and staying in bushes. I waited for the patrols and BMP to move on. I had to killed an officer and a gentleman. I got up and ran fast into the house, picked up the docs and retracted my way back.

Score: 4200 and a gold star, in veteran mode.

I was suprised. From what I remember, in the OFP press release, issued before the retail version, the fences stretched into the water, so that the only way to get through was either through the base's main gate (it can be done) or by blowing up a fence section with a charge, as suggested.

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Had fun recently replaying this mission.

Took out the driver of the 5t truck that comes past at the very start. Stole the truck & then basically rammed my way into the base with the hinds running over several troops on the way.

Rammed it into buildings in the far corner of compoudn, ran behind buildings & stole a Hind.

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I tried to kill the truck driver, was never quick enough, snuck though the front gate dozens of times, if I kill the tank driver first, the rest of the crew just button up and shoot at me, or sit there if they haven't spotted me...

funny game this, seems toplay different for different people

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Hey! That truck driving past at the start is a Ural, not a 5T. Hehehe, guess you must think I am some idiot to care about that. :biggrin:

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ive successfuly hijacked that ural truck plenty of times, but when trying to ram ur way through the main gate is the main prob. the patrolling tank will shoot at ya, and all these soldiers will attack ya. its fun though, if u dont realy care about passing it or not.

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Took me about 5 tries to get past that point. 1st, i snuck up to the BMP near the choppers and set charge for like 10 mins. Then hid in the bushes in front of house where the 1 soldier just lays there. When the satchel went off, i opened fire. Killed every1, grabbed docs., and laid a sachel where the T72 always goes past and blew him sky high. I didnt realize there was a soldier on bottom of hill and he nearly took me out. I had to crawl the whole way back.

Now im stuck on the next mission for 3 days now. SEARCH AND DESTROY., you have to find the SCUD and destroy it. I cant even get close cause my crew keeps screwing me up. Even with hold fire on and find cover.

any suggestions???

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On Search and Destroy, don't even use your team. Tell them to wait at the insertion point (they should be safe there), and take the jeep around the back of the huge hill. Then approach the area from the NW, over the top of the hill. There will be some bushes in a good spot really high up, and you should be able to see one end of the scud, sticking out from some trees. Take it out with a LAW (make sure you equip yourself with a LAW at the start).

The bad guys will probably not even see you if you are prone. Then go back up the hill, and once you're far enough away, the mission will end.

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Use the search function, It was discussed a few days ago. Search for "The Hill".

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I still wanna know how the #### you kill the driver of the Ural in time!!!

maybe i'm just crap smile.gif

PS. i too, have tried and failed this mission many times.

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By the way, Random talked about sniping. Where I can get a sniper rifle?

Snips. Snips smile.gif

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Tell everybody in your squad to stop. Go by your self. Go towards the righ and through the woods. Climb the really big hill on the the back face (the steep face) get to a point where you are close to the top of the hill but can still overlooking the grid Eb53 - 52 (when the end of the road is, there should be lotsa soldiers). Get out your binoculars and you should be able to spot some part of the scud truck. Order the tanks and choppers to come in and blow up the scud with a LAW(have to aim quite high as it is quite a fair way away) and use the distractions caused by the tanks and choppers to climb up the hill and over the other side and to the retrival point.

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Hmmmm, just completed INCURSION for the first time. Tank? Helicopters? Shilkas?

Missed all that.

Snuck in, got codes, snuck out. (Church mice got nothing on me!)

I admit that sitting 1 metre behind the officer chappie who is sat on the window ledge and wondering how one was meant to get out of here (and hiding under the table as an RPG chap came for a look-see) gave me a moments pause for thought.

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