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Multiplayer crap..

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I joined 1 server where the host would repeatedly kill me when I tried to fly a plane because I didn't have team speak, but only told me after about 4 times of being killed like this. Seriously, if your gonna run a server why not be nice about it instead of being a complete prick?

Other servers I joined have the planes disabled unless your a MAJOR or some such crap...why impose stupid limitations and just let people do WHAT THEY WANT after all I thought thats the point of this game..they give us all these cool toys to play with and some doush with no life imposes limits to make themselves feel more god like.

Yea ok, Im no longer playing this MP any more thanks guys..

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This is an army sim i don't get it why cs people are drawn to it at all, such a great community at ofp times when it came to people developing addons/mission, no other game community can beat that. I'm just wondering where all of you makers , people who want realism are, you sure aint on public servers wich i stray far from.


Pc x86

---------- Post added at 01:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 AM ----------

Oh yeah and wildone you ended up in a couple of asshole servers, thats not either troubleshoting or the developers fault.

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buy youre own server or stick to the rules :P

servers are expensive and the admins dont want noobs flying sightseeing in the map.

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Chances are it was the EVO mission-where you have to go up the ranks to unlock more goodies! ;)

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And it's better that way for that kind of 'mission', this way those that don't have a clue as to what they are doing generally don't get the stuff that takes forever to respawn.

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It would help though if when joining in a game in progress the game let you know the situation, what's going on, mission details etc.

Right now for the demo the game is very unforgiving for players. I find the sim aspects intriging but I can't get into them whenever I join a game and find myself magically appearing in the middle of a field with a map that doesn't work (or was disabled by the server, which most of them appear to be), and be expected to be actually useful. It's seriously bad...

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Once again blame the server not the game, or the people, i play with people that actually care for teamwork. The thing is that you can customize the server settings so much for how advanced you want it to be. At the same time you can disable stuff via editing missions. At the moment we are planning a "mod" that will disable map as you mentioned, and only be available for the squadleader. If the people who are on that server running that mod aint serious, you sure as hell is going to have a problem.

But yeah in the end i feel your frustration, you bought the game and want to enjoy a decent experience online with serious people. So would i if i decided to join a public server.

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