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Walk, jog and sprint ?

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been reading dsylexi's (sp?) guide and he talks about how you can walk jog and sprint

all i seem to be able to do is walk (by holding shift) and jog (which is the default movement).

How do you sprint ?

Edited by longers

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erm neither of these work

z x 2 = prone

w x 2 = he walks 2 steps

Edited by longers

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double tap W and hold it, or bind another key to "Fast Forward" (atleast it should be called like that in the english version) in the Controls menu

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You playing the demo or the full game, if it's the latter, read the manual!

If the demo (don't know if there is a PDF manual or something)

I'll assume you are using the default controls layout the WASD

(Keyboard layout in the UK):

W = Forward

S = Back

Double tapping W and holding it on the second tap should activate sprint, unless you are leaning left or right. Q and E respectively.

Double tapping various keys in Arma2 has numerous effects.

Just experiment.


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double tap 'W' (fast) and keep W pressed

you can also assign a key to "turbo" in your controls and press that with W combined

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Also if it's like Arma 1, if you double-tap Shift it'll toggle you into walk mode (so holding W will walk instead of jog, and you hold shift to jog). Useful if you want to preserve your stamina (though I think that only applies to ACE etc. since default settings you can jog forever).

Perhaps even double-tapping Ctrl still lowers your weapon?

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