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Fekking pissed me off

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its no big secrete wobble is from TX..

well I was reading a thread on another board (nissan performance) about that crazy bitch who hit the bum and left him in her windshield..  then about the 4th reply down I see "hill billies.. figures"

as if to say "well what do you expect from *those people* in the south"

needless to say wobble nuclear powered flame thrower burned hot this day... anywho.. it just pissed me off..

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LOL, too many windows open at once,. aaggh overload.. gazebo, please move to OT.

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I personally think you Texans are the nicest people on the earth. I live up here in Calgary, which is pretty much texas of the north and I work in a restaurant. Now we have a lot of people from all over the world come through here and I love you Texans best. You are generous and fun and know how to have a good time. Honestly if I was to live in the States Texas would be my first choice. (crazy phsyco bitches aside smile.gif )


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I don't understand Texan sad.gif

I also had real troubles trying to understand that general in Red Alert 2 sad.gif

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I find that if you record what they say then play it back real slow it sounds like they are speaking French.

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I've found that your mouth hurts if you try to eat a knife like those guys on TV. Oh well.

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