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Making AI sit down

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I'm a little rusty in scripting, is someone kind enough to give me a line of code to put in mission.sqs or description.sqs (can't remember wich?) as well as the init code for the AI player?


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init line,

playername switchmove "theanimationame"

I am sorry I cant give you the animation name, I never really used it in arma but form memory it was fxsitdown in flashpoint but that could be totally wrong.

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Try this code in the initline of the player or unit.

this switchMove "amovpsitmstpsraswrfldnon_weaponcheck1";

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Found this in one of the functions from BIS (Defense one I think):

 doStop _x;

 sleep 0.5;

 _x action ["SitDown", _x];
} forEach units _group;

Now, the _group variable could be replaced with the name of whatever group you want to sit down.

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Try this code in the initline of the player or unit.

this switchMove "amovpsitmstpsraswrfldnon_weaponcheck1";

This worked.

Thanks for the replies guys.

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