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So I've seen a few screen shots of civillians but I havent really seen any videos of civillians in any of the missions so is there really any? Can you shoot them and what happens if you do?

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Yea im pretty sure there is Civillians, the release trailer had the bombing of Cheranaus and showed tons on Civillians. i also think there is a video on IGN.com


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There are for sure civilians, as for whether you can shoot them, that probably depends on the mission.

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You can shoot civilans and they will die like everyone else. ;) If there are civilians in villages and you start fighting there against some enemies you will even see them flee into houses or squat down in scared animation. Also youll sometimes hear screams from them if you fight near them.

If you want to test it out then go to the editor:

-Put yourself in by pressing F1 "units", and double click anywhere on map - choose men and a soldier - hit OK.

-Now double click again with F2 "units" selected, and add the module called Ambient Civilians. You find it under: SIDE=GAME LOGIC, CLASS=MODULES, UNIT=AMBIENT CIVILIANS. Hit OK

Now you have an icon of the player soldier and a blue bigger icon with a man and a woman inside of it. Now hit preview to test it. Walk up to a village and youll see civilians there moving around. A tips would be to add an empty car or bike maybe so you can move faster around. Same as adding a soldier but choose EMPTY as side. Then look for cars or whatever you want.


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There are indeed civilians - And ghosts too, I swear I saw one run through my Vodnik and then through the wall of a house to get away from the fighting in central Chernarus :P

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Came to think of it. Are there civilians in Superpower/Warfare? I didn't notice any my first test run. Would be neat if you could ask around in town if they seen anything suspicious recently. Maybe it's just a campaign feature?

Oh.. (off topic) it would be even more awesome with a script so you can recruit civilians to join your team :) Maybe not realistic, but neat nonetheless.

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