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Is it possible to revert to the OFP command interface?

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So with ARMA2 we get some kind of new context sensitive command interface, but I have no idea how to use it. The old system is still there but it's not labeled, e.g. you press 4 to get to the action section but there is no label for it. I want the old system back!

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I want the old system back!

Yeah,me too!

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i've memorized the command interface from OFP its pretty much all still the same if you remember any of it. try it, select a unit. (2) being the unit (4) being the "mount" command (3) being a UAZ (1) being the command "get in as driver". simple command 2-4-3-1. play around with it even tho it doesnt look like its actully there..., it is. just go through the process of hitting buttons it will all eventually come back to you, thats how i figured it out

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Where is the problem? You now have both in one.

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