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invisible enemies?

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So i am the supposed location of the main insurgents base, than friendlies arrive in a APC and with infantry...But whenever i go further for some reason i got shot in the back while there is not a enemy around in sight! The shots seem to be coming from 10 meters away or less.

When i am in a APC a rocket seems to come out of nowhere and kills me! My team mates also don't spot anything and when i am dead they don't do anything at all! When i was under fire i quickly switched to another team mate, the leader died but than i saw nobody! the game is just cheating on me!!:mad:

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What mission is this? As some of the missions I found this seems to have been put in to stop you from going too far away from the mission area.

Bit more annoying than the old radio message you used to get on ofp telling you you are leaving the mission area.

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This is a stay in mission area message? Jesus, what is wrong with a simple text message in close view. And it was near the main insurgents base in the Manhattan mission.

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In that case no idea shouldn’t happen as far as I know.

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I guess the "stay in mission area" message is not very subtle since you are randomly blasted or RPG'd :D

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hello all

if it is part of a script. it's shoddy mission design IMHO.

part of the beauty of arma etc is the ability to go anywhere.

To limit this is to dumb down the game. Especially with the Ambient civs and Opfor




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This happened to me too!!!

I wanted to hijack a heli at an Airfield (NE of the map), so I could travel to an island to investigate it. As I was walking to the airfield, I had 11 followers (mostly riflemen) surrounding me in a V formation with me in the middle. But then I got shot out of nowhere.

The worst part was that my 11 followers couldn’t have cared less, and continued walking :eek:

Edited by vinc3nt

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I can also confirm this. Apparently SHARK is suppose to be in Gorka or some other place, I try to go to the other place but get shot, or RPG'd in any other vehicle (Humvee, Car, even heli! yes I have tried).

Now I've travelled around everywhere and can't find him. Talk about putting the player off big style

*opens editor for more fun*

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