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Wifout Teef

Digital or Boxed Copy?

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Steakslim, THANK YOU. Jesus christ, people complaining about 5Mb/s, you CAN'T be over 12 or else you'd remember the dark ages of dial-up. You know what's hell? Trying to download something that's 2 gigs on a 24kb/s connection, AND only being able to use one connection at once.

I get 400kb/s at most on my connection, and I think that beats running to the store to get the game if the game is of the same quality.

ONLY problem I have with it is when you ever want to uninstall it to keep it from eating up space on your PC when you're done with it, and then you want to reinstall it, you have to download the entire game again. Other than that, godamn.

Eh, and Windex. That was basically Ubisoft not testing their damn patch. Maybe you got lucky, but the newest Fallout3 patch kept crashing it every time I loaded an area or saved. I'm honestly very pissed off at them for their Fallout 3 issues at this point. One thing t hat's always going to bug me about that game is the fact that their terrain hitboxes are inaccurate as hell.

Edited by Typheus

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And now you see that asking people which version you should get wasn't the best idea, good luck making your mind up :)

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