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RTM files - creating.

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Hi. I am new here, and I dont know, where write that thread. Ok, i have question. I creating my mod, and I must create some animations for this. I dont know how create RTM files with my animations. Someone know, how to do it? Help :butbut:

Thanks for help mates

PS. Sorry, if the post is in bad subfor - I dont find good one for that thread :(

Edited by LeafMaster510

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You need a program called OFPanim http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=5176 . Hopfully "Sanctuary" will be along shortly he is problery able to give you some pointes on animation, and use the search function should give you a couble of threads about animations.


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Here is the tutorial that started me into OFPAnim :


That's a good reading.

Additionally along OFPAnim, get Fab. 's RTM toolbox that is a big companion to OFPAnim, as it features some very usefull functions that OFPAnim does not have (copy frames/components from a rtm to another etc... ).

But animating with those tools remains a lot of work, especially if you are making dynamic animations. Static animations are easier to do.

If you have 3DS Max or Maya, i know there are RTM plugins for both programs to take advantage from their superior management of animating while making RTM files.

But i never tried this as i don't have any of those software. There was a version of the Maya RTM plugin for the "free" version of Maya , but no idea where to find it nowadays.

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Ok. When i oppening RTM TOLL BOX, it showing me a message:

"To run this application, you first must install one of the following versions of the .NET Framework: v2.0.50727"

IDK why it does not open :S


and how to CREATE my own rtm file :s:s:s

I want create standing animation like man with hands up, no animated.

Edited by LeafMaster510

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Use ofpanim and look at the toturials Santuary posted in the link this should do it for a simple addon like that.

to use RTMtoolbox you need windows XP or higher with .NET framework: v2 you can get it at windows update site.


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