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Red dot sights - how they should look like

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Damn hardware limitations. With ARMA2's new subtle animations when standing still, this red dot sight simulation is even more important!

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I'm not really sure where the problem lies, but I'm inclined to blame the ArmA engine and how it calculates alpha % vs how your video card calculates it.

We can theoretically eliminate the problem for all users by increasing the % alpha of the invisible cone (or plane's) texture. This, however, results in a separate annoying bug, where the so-called 'alpha-cone' is oh-so-slightly visible to the player for some video cards.

Hm, I suppose the alpha window method (a large plane structure with a hole for the optic) *could* be used in conjunction with an increased alpha% texture. This would darken the entire view of the player slightly, but at least it would be uniform...

Edited by scubaman3D

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