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Mission 3

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Miles died during a cut scene...

What the hell did I do wrong?

I killed the sniper and went for lopotev...

Is he ment to die or have I fucked up during cut scenes somehow?

What im saying is... I have no control over those cut scenes so what happened?

Any help appreciated.


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Why do u think u did something wrond?oO

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Mainly because I was under the assumption i would be playing with 5.. and that it has bene said in many reviews that when you loose someone.. you've lost them...

So I was thinking that doing a certain objective has killed on of my guys.

Also I might add relooking at the Arma2 "characters page" drops the hint of miles dying...

Edited by Jacobite

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Yes, Miles does die in Mission 3. He's executed by Akulla. Don't worry, it's supposed to happen. It is what allows you to start taking control of the unit yourself.

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Mainly because I was under the assumption i would be playing with 5.. and that it has bene said in many reviews that when you loose someone.. you've lost them...

So I was thinking that doing a certain objective has killed on of my guys.

Also I might add relooking at the Arma2 "characters page" drops the hint of miles dying...

I thought when you lost a guy the mission ends because a Deep Recon unit like Razor can't function with only 3 people lol

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where the hells the sniper keeps wipeing out me and rest my team tryed sneaking about with my sniper cant see him :o

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I got the same "problem" but can't play hosting the game with a friend...think it's a bug... it goes to the load popup for restoring from last save...

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hi iv got a slight prob with mission 3... the lag! i can have everything on very high and a 3000 view distance but in the distance the textures look sh1t and so do buildings in the distance i got AA on but they still look jaggy and flicker.

its annoying and it only happens in that city. the last two missions run perfectly and looked great even in the editor i can have heli's flying around and 60 guys shooting the crap out of each other and there is no lag or crap textures.

anyone else having probs in this city?

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why do you need 3000 view distance for the city? at max you need 1000. You can turn it back up after the city mission so you system will run better.

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yup i have a xfx hd4850 TE system and mission 3 is super laggy no matter settings i have on, must be the scripting in hat mission to many timers or something

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