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Arma 2 is like..........

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Though I would start a thread for those intimate-short descriptions of this game.

First Quoting m5holmez on another thread arma 2 is like "a cheeseburger only to find that burger has no cheese on it?"

To add my own Arma 2 is like "Arma for the X-BOX"

and "like trying to piss in a bucket from the top of a skyscraper",

the latter is how i would describe driving the vehicals. The former because the towns are all on one level, just like that awful X-BOX game GRAW.

Finally Arma 2 is like "searching for man friday". My experience of trying to find a populated server. The few that are running are ominously deserted.

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Completely erroneous. Troll.

Towns are on one level?

If you press the players filter at the top of the multiplayer menu, you'll see at least a dozen server with 50%+ population.

The reason they are empty during the day? Arma2 isn't a kids game. Us adults are at work.

Your post is like...... a boxing match with no punching.

Edited by nedley

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Arma2 is... so much better off without you, Balgorg.

There is an impressions thread for a reason, and I recall seeing most of the complaints you posted above there. Find yourself another hobby and stop trolling.

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Arma2 isnt like this thread... arma2 has a future.

Totally untrue, it is exactly like ArmA 2, it started out as a big failure but soon the community brings it to full glory :D

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This thread is like....toooooooooootalllllllllllly, like, locked giiiiiirrl, and like, the impressions thread is, like, totallly here.

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