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Placing compositions?

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There are a number of lovely "composition" objects shown here: http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class/Objects/compositions/

I was wondering if it's possible to place these from the editor, or do you have to use the Createcomposition.sqf script? If they are placeable, is it possible to make alterations to the individual objects that make up the composition? For example, could I remove the vehicles parked at some of them, etc. Thanks.

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I took a look at it it seem you need to download that script and run it with the class names mentioned by each composition, the only ting I dont get is how it knows what those classes contain. I also looked around on the website trying to figure out how you could get on that part of the website but I couldnt find it mabey it mentioned someting about its use on the earlyer pages.

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Actually you can edit those compositions, I did search for a while to find the answer but finally found how. The only thing is that it's gonna change the way how you'll spawn them a bit. First you got create a script (let's say: my_own_compo.sqf) which look like this :


private ["_objs"];

_objs =





------------------------------------(without those ---- of course!)

Note : The syntax used in the script is :

["object classname",[x (coord relative to object used),y,z], angle, fuel, dommages];

- You can spawn EVERY Object/Weapon/Character enlisted in ArmAII_library

! Now instead of calling the composition set using :

nul = ["bunkerMedium02", 335, getpos this] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf" syntax

You'll use that one (NOTICE : I've put the script in a folder name Custom_compo):

nul = ["Land_Barrel_empty", 0, getpos this,"Custom_compo\"] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf";

NOTE : The syntax used in the script is :

["script name WITHOUT .sqf", WHOLE set angle, getpos (player or any object used as reference Im actually using a game logic Location),"path to the custom compo script from Createcomposition"] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf";

Also note : the angle defined in the execVm sentence is for the whole set (if you use multiples objects) and the angle defined in the script is for each objects individually.

Simple as that!

I also found that the original Createcomposition.sqf do not use the z coordinates of the object/player reference. It will only use the z coordinates defined in each officials compositions. So that's mean if you plan on putting an official composition set on a roof, It will only place it on the ground. Using custom compositions would fix that.

Also I noticed that MANY of the officials compositions set have some elements, such as ammo boxes, with a Z coordinates defined with negative values. This would result in having those ammo boxes "sunk" into the ground. Here again using custom composition set would fix that too.

If you wonder where are the original compositions sets scripts, here they are :

First you got to Unpbo the modules.pbo file found in Arma 2 / Addons directory

Then its in \modules\dyno\data\scripts\compositions All the 81 sets available are there!

I hope this would help any mission designer.

One more thing : I highly reccomand on using the sap_render_1.0 island addon to test and build your own sets.

Now Im on trying to find how to delete the spawned compositions sets once there not needed anymore.

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