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Taser Gun / Radar Gun - Require help with getting the models ready in-game

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I have modeled a Taser-Gun & a Radar-Gun for Roleplaying mission pruposes on 3DS Max 9.

Currently the models are "naked", untextured.

I'm trying to figure out a good way to get them textured, and it doesn't matter if the texture isn't exactly like the real-model (just trying to get a decent texture on the model, something like a matt-black plastic texture.

The thing is I don't know how to UVMAP at all - So I'm kinda stuck right now with the progress of getting these models ready in-game.

Some pictures of the models can be seen here:




I would really appreciate any good tutorials for 3ds-max texturing in order to get the model ready, and if you have any good textures I could use please let me know! :)

By the way, the Taser-Gun model is around 1,052 polygons @ 3DS Max (And I haven't connected all the vertexes - So i'm guessing around 2,500 polygons in total)

And the Radar gun is around 3,400 Polygons without connecting all the vertexes

Are they too much high-poly for ARMA2 or too heavy that they can cause FPS drops in-game? Or the polycount is okay?

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you should be able to find textures you need off cgtextures.com (you might need to edit, improve, work on those yourself).

- UV map tut for 3dmax.

- it has 4 parts uv map tut

etc. just google uvmap, and you'll find a lot of information (most modeling programs such as max, maya, blender, modo etc are doing it in a similar way - some having some helping gimmicks to help you out though)

good list of tuts


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Hi! cool posts.. I am new to taser guns and I just got mine through a friend. It's also bare and what I did was to color it with a military color. It's cool though and you gave me really cool ideas.

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