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ARMA 2 basic questions

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We do not jump over things :D, after analyzing, one might step or mantle an obstacle, which as far as I can see, is well represented in the current release!.

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EXAMPLE: I want to tell my team to go PRONE.

"`" Doesn't give me the option. neither does "SPACE".

So I select my Team w. "`" and use "BACKSPACE". Damn it. I have to use "BACKSPACE" first and then select my team with "`" to access the option.

Why not one KEY for all OPTIONS? Why not bind SPACE to a general Orders / Maps / Options menu that also pauses the game to help you choosing your tactics and your teams behaviour? Why not put more status / information on the screen?

` then 7 then 8. pretty fast - much faster than a context menu


Edited by twisted

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