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Buying the german version instead of english

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I've been thinking, if I buy the german version now. Is it possible to change the language to english or do I need to replace files with those from the english version once it's released?

And what about the cd-key, will I be able to use a cd-key from the german version to play on the english version? If thats the case all I have to do is, once the english version is released, borrow my friends copy to install and use the cd-key from the german version.

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You can't switch to other languages....but German isn't that difficult :D As for the DVD Key I don't know.

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Of course the german keys are just as good as any other. The german release has german only, but there are certain ways to fix that..khm..

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but German isn't that difficult

hahaha lol

don't know how to switch languages (dont need it too^^) but you realy need to know german in the german version cause all subtitles are german.

that isn't the problems for usmc dialoges (cause they are speaking english)

but if you chat with some civilians or enemy units you need to know Czech or Russian (or German for subtitles^^)

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I've been thinking, if I buy the german version now. Is it possible to change the language to english

Yes and it can be asked in any of the existing German feedback threads or release threads or even English thread, please search before posting :)

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