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Royal Marine

ARMA 2 german to english version?

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I just bought ARMA 2 in germany and installed it but it came in german language. Is there anyway to have it in English?

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No, well ... there is a German to English mod file floating around, consists of some very random and sporadic translation.

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No, well ... there is a German to English mod file floating around, consists of some very random and sporadic translation.

90% of it is translated, it is considered taboo on the forums though since it's just the beta english .pbo(s)

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i am interested in a mod or way to translate to english too, since i finally decided to buy this game (and dont't speak german).

I won't blame BI policy of release the game in Germany 3 weeks before than in rest of Europe, I know moderators cannot encourage this translation practice and i can understand their points about beta leaked code, but as a customer i hope they won't disallow me to translate in some way the game i've just bought ...

Edited by fabrizioT

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Community translating the game (Like the efforts during ArmA1) is fine with us.

The problem comes from posting the files which were leaked from press preview versions/beta testers, which we can't let be distributed here.

Please use this thread if you wish to discuss this topic.

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