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Problem with 1.46

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I use a Saitek X36 to fly the planes and choppers. The problem is that I mapped the buttons A and B for ascend and descend and they no longer work. However, the game does read the buttons because I tried to remap in the controls section and the buttons showed up.

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I should check this but... doesn't your joystick have a thrust slider? If so, you should use this one to increase/decrease power.

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Fly with the mouse and the keys then, thats what i do, sorry this won't help you but...................................

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I have the same problem, i have a topgun thrustmaster, the reason i dont fly with the throtle is because the throtle support in ofp is horrible, i hope BIS reads this so they can include a bug fix in their next patch.

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I have the same issue. I upgraded to 1.45, then 1.46

I can't gain/lose altitude with my joystick buttons. I could with 1.40 (not sure with 1.45, it didn't last long). I can do with with Q & Z.

I am using a Logitech extreme 3D with their latest drivers.

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same problem seems to go with any sticks / pads

my sidewinder (pad) can't thrust the planes via buttons (can fire, still)

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Since BIS has corrected the issue with the throttle in the latest patch, have you tried to do a remap? I saw something about it in another thread. Try do go back to default configurations for all keys etc and the remap it. Well, only a suggestion.

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well I am glad to hear that I am not the only one with this problem. But at the same time I am sorry that we all have this problem. It gets really frustrating switching from the mouse to the keyboard to the joystick (or in our case keyboard and joystick). Please BIS fix the problem.

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I have the same problem with W2K and a Saitek Cyborg 3d stick. The 4.6 upgrade has a few new bugs with regards to this jstick. I used to have button 2 mapped to get down/up and under 4.6 you can map the button but it doesn't work in the game. Bring on 4.7!

no dice

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