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Great news everyone..with a very many thanks to wld427, i have one of the variants(mh/ch-60s CSAR) of the pack in game!!! soon after all variants are in-game i will release a very ALPHA pack!

this pack will be for proof of concept, and to allow people who may be willing to help...have a chance to see what there is to work with only. A very many things still need to be done..the main functions/actions that will be available on later versions including things like..FLIR, rescue hoist, torpedo's, proper doors and windows of sh-60b, and working rear landing gear on sh-60b models..and much much more will be done once some other important objectives are reached, like the insides still showing as in the original blackhawks..and the pylons from the uh-60 army models still randomly appear from a distance!

Here are some pics of the actual in-game model:


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hey guys check this out..rockets usec hh-60 with my textures..im going to ask rocket if maby i could keep this for my pack...if he say yes i will let this be the anti-sub/maritime version! and ill add the flir...and workable rescue hoist..if he feels willing to let me use it!



Edited by soldier2390

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Hey great work on everything! One thing I noticed was that Rocket's rear wheel is in the wrong position and should be moved in closer to the two front wheels. Nice work on all your hawk variants!





Edited by pkorzen

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  pkorzen said:
Hey great work on everything! One thing I noticed was that Rocket's rear wheel is in the wrong position and should be moved in closer to the two front wheels. Nice work on all your hawk variants!





thanks man..i know rockets wheel is slightly wrong, so if i can use this ill try to fix it..cause a made a great model of the proper rear landing gear!:)

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in the third screenshot what's the unit ? i see a red star !

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With very many thanks too wld427, for putting up with my annoying ass yesterday...im glad to say i now can basicly re-route paths...meaning i was able to get my textures to load on my models! wld, also made the start of the seahwak pack, ie...he got the config and all that for one of the models...so now all i have to do is get the rest of my models to load in that pack too!

after that will be the ALPHA release...like i have been stressing this pack will not have nothing done to it, ei...no rescue hoist, FLIR, proper side door and windows(only for older sh-60b models), no proper "working" rear landing gear(only for older sh-60b models), and nothing i had promised! but like i have been saying this is just a "proof of concept" pack, after this ill start implamenting the all the actions or scripts into this! also later on..i will be making even better textures(once i learn more on photoshop), with a lighter more cleaner look on all ch/mh-60 models as they are actually newer naval helos..thats going to be replacing all naval ch-46 seaknights and older sh-60b models! where as the older sh-60's models will have a darker..dirty/faded look..from years around sea water! hope everyone enjoys this all...hopefuly ill be back soon with more news.

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hey man thanks that helped alot, oh and more great news flir is being added as we speak and there will be a new NZ s-70 in the pack along with a uasf mh-60s with dark grey and camo versions! i am also as we speak making a re-skin for a navy seahawks pilot and nzdf pilot and usaf pilot...all with dif. color helmets and body armor..and they have real squdron patches in place of the arma patches! also im very happy to say this is now a joint project, i have asked nz crash to join me in this project as a joint ops between me and the NZDF mod! the sh-60b's will have the modifed rear landing gear, all though they dont bend and flex on landings and takoffs this will be fixed on futur releases!!!

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thanks.... there coming along. but im having a few small problems with things,so only a few of the models including the usaf hh/mh-60g pavehawk, ch/mh-60s knighthawk(navy & marines), sh-60b/f seahawk, mh-60r strikehawk. and mabay one or two more. i still need alot of help tho....so if anyone can help pm me please!

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yeah its still coming along...infact only thing holding it back is a config....which im learning how to them now as we speak...and even better new..i can write configs now(many..many thx to wld427) but only on single addons...infact i made 4-5 new arma addons(as pratice) but then i was very impressed on how they turned out..so im gonna finish them nicely and release...well sum i will(i need permissions to release the rest...as one is a usaf staff menber(re-skin of the acu staff member) and the abu textures are from my bud...the one making the usaf addon pack..on armaholic! so im sure he wont have a problem with me releasing it ..when he releases his pack(with newer n updated uniforms) and i need to get permission from the author of the acu staff member to us his "staff" vest! but the rest it strickly from all bis sample models...and even tho i cant do work with camo textures..i didnt steal what i have i just used the racs stuff(as it is one color) then re-named emm. so the rest of the guys are a us army deltaforce operator...and a navyseal/blackops(all black gear) and a navysealteam6/navy udt men..all black fightsuit and gear! oh and my favorite a usaf pj(pararescue) and for those who dont know me when i was in the usaf i was in a combat search n rescue unit(not a pj tho..they way more trained..and well there just more badazz then ill ever be) but i always admired them as they did what we pretty much did but way better. and no i didnt go to war..i spent my time mostly doing the bases dirty work..lol security and flight deck moneriting..or what ever. but yeah if anyone wants these addons(not the 2 usaf guys tho...as i need permissions) hit me up ill be happy to share...and there single pbo addons...but i do have one problem..this will help with the seahawks too....what do i write in the config...to make them load with the rest of the defaulft bis guys..ie...Men...Air...Armored..Cars...static and so on? please help.

p.s. seahawks now have thier own pilots(that have dif color helmut and vest)...and before everyone asks yeah thats the a2 huey converted to a1..by a good freind of mine...im pretty sure its legal to backwards convert as i looked it up....so if my friend gives the ok..ill release to the public...but there is sum problems..no glass(at all) and the guys sit a few inches ubove thier seats.....but im gonna try to convert all a2 addons to a1 for the ppl like me who feel as they should have the fun stuff too but cant cause bis made a game only 1/3 of all ppl who have computers can play it! anyone who wants too help with this stuff my offer is still on the table...

your friendly arma comunity freind,


Edited by soldier2390

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if anyone wants these addons(not the 2 usaf guys tho...as i need permissions) hit me up ill be happy to share...and there single pbo addons...but i do have one problem..this will help with the seahawks too....what do i write in the config...to make them load with the rest of the defaulft bis guys..ie...Men...Air...Armored..Cars...static and so on? please help.

I'm sorry but I'm having problems understanding the problem you have.

Do you want to load multiple addons in just one config? You just have to write the different vehicles in the same config vehicles entry in one config.cpp

You could post you configs and I'm sure many people will gladly help you to refine and improve them (me included)

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ok if i have time after i get home from work i will post the configs. but what i want is too beable to go into the editor(in-game) go into Blufor, Men, then select "SF Deltaforce Operator" in the list of bis soldiers, the same place where you find the other bis blufor special forces guys....ei...SF Assault, SF Marksmen, and the SF Sabotor's(and all other blufor soldiers). Now how do i make that happen? what do i write in the config?

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open characters.pbo, unbinarize the config.bin and go to the section where "class SoldierWSaboteur" is defined.

class SoldierWSaboteur : SoldierWB {
	scope = protected;
	accuracy = 3.5;	// accuracy needed to recognize type of this target
	cost = 400000;
	model = "\ca\characters\us_soldier_sabot";
	Picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_SF_CA.paa";
	Icon = "\Ca\characters\data\map_ico\i_komandos_CA.paa";
	nameSound = "blackOp";
	displayName = $STR_DN_BLACKOP;
	weapons[] = {M4A1SD, M9SD, "Throw", "Put", "NVGoggles"};
	magazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", "PipeBomb", "PipeBomb", "PipeBomb", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD"};
	camouflage = 0.7;	// how dificult to spot - bigger - better spotable

	// threat (VSoft, VArmor, VAir), how threatening vehicle is to unit types
	threat[] = {1, 0.5, 0.1};

	canHideBodies = true;
	canDeactivateMines = true;
	nightVision = true;
	respawnWeapons[] = {M4A1SD, "Throw", "Put"};
	enableGPS = 1;
	respawnMagazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD"};

	class Wounds {
		tex[] = {};
		mat[] = {"ca\characters\data\us_rukavy_sab_hhl.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\us_rukavy_sab_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\us_rukavy_sab_hhl_wound2.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\us_soldier_sabot_body.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\us_soldier_sabot_body_wound1.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\us_soldier_sabot_body_wound2.rvmat"};

if you want to base your SF operator, make your unit inherit from the "SoldierWSaboteur" class and edit what you want.

You can change all parameters you want. Just don't change the rvmats for the class wounds, it would look strange.

So in your config.cpp you would open the cfgvehicles section and would put your new entry

class CfgVehicles {
class Land;	// External class reference

class Man : Land {
	class ViewPilot;	// External class reference
            class SoldierWSaboteur;      // External class reference


Hope it helps

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ummm...ok im still alil new to configs. but this actually kinda makes since. ok its early in the morning as im leaving for work ill def. try this out tho, and if i still cant figure it out ill post one of my configs as i got them on this computer. thanks for all your help mankyle

but this is a little question i have that both will help in writing this configs and others. ok the way mine are set up is...you go into the editor...blufor...Men (USAF)...then select my guy which is ParaRescue Operator. in my config where theres the 2 types of display names(1 shows under blufor, the second shows as the unit itself under the first one)...ok so here is my config, so remeber i want my guy to be found under blufor/Men.

// config.bin - 17:45:42 08/14/08, generated in 0.03 seconds

// Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys

// Separate rootclasses: Disabled, Automatic comments: Enabled

#define private 0

#define protected 1

#define public 2

#define true 1

#define false 0

class CfgPatches {

class USAF_PJ {

units[] = {""};

requiredVersion = 1.0;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class CfgVehicleClasses {

class USAF_PJ {

displayName = "Men (USAF)";



class CfgSkeletons {

class Default; // External class reference

class Head {

isDiscrete = 0;

skeletonInherit = "";

skeletonBones[] = {"neck", "", "neck1", "neck", "head", "neck1", "lBrow", "head", "mBrow", "head", "rBrow", "head", "lMouth", "head", "mMouth", "head", "rMouth", "head", "eyelids", "head", "LLip", "head"};


class USAF_PJSkeleton {

isDiscrete = 0;

skeletonInherit = "Head";

skeletonBones[] = {"weapon", "", "launcher", "", "Camera", "", "Spine", "", "Spine1", "", "Spine2", "", "Spine3", "", "Pelvis", "", "LeftShoulder", "", "LeftArm", "", "LeftArmRoll", "", "LeftForeArm", "", "LeftForeArmRoll", "", "LeftHand", "", "LeftHandRing", "", "LeftHandRing1", "", "LeftHandRing2", "", "LeftHandRing3", "", "LeftHandPinky1", "", "LeftHandPinky2", "", "LeftHandPinky3", "", "LeftHandMiddle1", "", "LeftHandMiddle2", "", "LeftHandMiddle3", "", "LeftHandIndex1", "", "LeftHandIndex2", "", "LeftHandIndex3", "", "LeftHandThumb1", "", "LeftHandThumb2", "", "LeftHandThumb3", "", "RightShoulder", "", "RightArm", "", "RightArmRoll", "", "RightForeArm", "", "RightForeArmRoll", "", "RightHand", "", "RightHandRing", "", "RightHandRing1", "", "RightHandRing2", "", "RightHandRing3", "", "RightHandPinky1", "", "RightHandPinky2", "", "RightHandPinky3", "", "RightHandMiddle1", "", "RightHandMiddle2", "", "RightHandMiddle3", "", "RightHandIndex1", "", "RightHandIndex2", "", "RightHandIndex3", "",

"RightHandThumb1", "", "RightHandThumb2", "", "RightHandThumb3", "", "LeftUpLeg", "", "LeftUpLegRoll", "", "LeftLeg", "", "LeftLegRoll", "", "LeftFoot", "", "LeftToeBase", "", "RightUpLeg", "", "RightUpLegRoll", "", "RightLeg", "", "RightLegRoll", "", "RightFoot", "", "RightToeBase", ""};


class Flag : Default {};

class FlagCarrier : Default {

skeletonInherit = "Default";

skeletonBones[] = {"stozar", "", "vlajka", ""};



class CfgMovesMaleSdr; // External class reference

class USAF_PJMoves : CfgMovesMaleSdr {

skeletonName = "USAF_PJSkeleton";

collisionVertexPattern[] = {"1a", "2a", "3a", "4a", "5a", "6a", "7a", "8a", "1c", "2c", "3c", "4c", "5c", "6c", "7c", "8c", "1f", "2f", "3f", "4f", "5f", "6f", "7f", "8f"};

collisionGeomCompPattern[] = {1, 3, 6};


class CfgModels {

class Default; // External class reference

class flag_vojak : Default {

sections[] = {"latka"};


class Head : Default {

skeletonName = "Head";

sections[] = {"swap_hhl", "hide_eyewear"};

sectionsInherit = "";


class USAF_PJ : Default {

skeletonName = "USAF_PJSkeleton";

sectionsInherit = "Head";

sections[] = {"clan","osobnost", "head_injury", "l_arm_injury", "l_leg_injury", "r_arm_injury", "r_leg_injury"};



class CfgVehicles {

class Land; // External class reference

class Man : Land {};

class Soldier : Man {};

class SoldierGB : Soldier {};

class SoldiereB : Soldier {};

class SoldierWB : Soldier {};

class USAF_PJ : SoldierWB {

scope = public;

moves = "USAF_PJMoves";

displayName = "ParaRescue (USAF)";

vehicleClass = "USAF_PJ";

model = "\USAF_PJ\USAF_PJ";

nameSound = "Soldier";

weapons[] = {"M4AIM", "NVGoggles", "Binocular", "M9SD", "Laserdesignator", "Throw", "Put"};

magazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", "Handgrenade", "HandgrenadeTimed", "HandgrenadeTimed", "HandgrenadeTimed", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShellRed", "SmokeShellGreen", "Laserbatteries"};

class Wounds {

tex[] = {};

mat[] = {"USAF_PJ\Data\soldier_captive_us_body.rvmat", "USAF_PJ\Data\soldier_captive_us_body_wound1.rvmat", "USAF_PJ\Data\soldier_captive_us_body_wound2.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl_wound1.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\soldier_captive_hhl_wound2.rvmat"};




Also i have another question about this. whats the signifgance of "$STR_DN_" does that make it show up dif. and what do i need to write to make them ba able to heal ppl like the medic?

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Well we have three questions here:

- For the first one, in the class CfgVehicles section go to vehicles classes and change from "USAF_PJ" to "men"

Then you would have:

vehicleClass = "Men";

- For the second one. The reference "$STR_DN_" means that that's a reference that links to an string, a text line. Those strings are kept in separate files. I haven't had much experience with those

- For the third one, one easy solution would be making your soldier inherit from the medic instead of making it inherit from the SoldierWB class

Hope it works. I understand most of the things from configs but not everything.


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thanks man that seems like it will work, bout it dont show up under men...still up under men (usaf), which is funny cause nothing was named that no more. so i went tho my addon foldier to see if i had an old copy in(which would cause it to load as that, instead of the new one) but there is no old copy lol. man i messed up bad. if this gets to out of control for me would you do it for me if i send it too you. only as a demo. so i know what its suppost to look like(then i can make the rest show i want them too).

ok sorry bud a few more questions.

1. how do i make them on the racs side..change it to guer..right?

2. i want my blackops guy to be less noticeable to the enemy..i mean i want hm to not be spotted from so far. same for the gillie sniper addon..i want him to be not noticeable unless you walk like 10-15 feet infront of him(to simulate having cover/being consealed)? what do i add to the config?

3. oposite from the second question...how do i make them notice ppl from farther way..again to simulate a real sniper/blackops. also for AA(both man/and static weapons)..so they can lock onto a jet before he flys away?

4. maby you can help with this too(i think it involves the config too, but then again i dont really have no clue what it is) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=82641&highlight=disapearing

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Well, for knowing more about configs best place is http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA:_Addon_Configuration

Regarding your questions:

1st: Yes, that would be the case.

2nd and 3rd: the entry to be edited is camouflage

Float: Default Value = 2. 

how difficult to spot. bigger = easier 

camouflage = 0.6; // snipers
camouflage = 1; // man
camouflage = 4; // trucks
camouflage = 8; // tanks 

Relationship to #accuracy: 

camouflage defines how hard it is for the AI to see that the unit is there. The AI will not spot an enemy that has a camouflage setting of 0 (maybe this needs some more testing) even if it stands directly in front of it as long as the enemy doesn't fire. 

accuracy defines how hard it is for the AI to recognise the correct class of a unit. But even if it can't recognise the correct class it can still recognise it as an enemy and engage it. 

4th: Nope, I don't think it involves the config but the model in 02. I think that you have only edited the LOD 0, not the other LODs so when the engine swaps LOD 0 for other LODs you can see selections that you have removed from your edited LOD or doesn't added selections that you have added to LOD 0 but not to other LODs

Hope it helps

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thanks man this helps so much. sorry i did'nt see this until after i read your pm.

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  mankyle said:

- For the third one, one easy solution would be making your soldier inherit from the medic instead of making it inherit from the SoldierWB class

Or you can just put the line

attendant = 1

in the soldier's config.

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