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NEW ARMA 2 Videos XBox 360?

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Hi all

I saw this first on the ArmA dot info site


It links to Preview films by GameStar.de


But there are a whole bunch of new ArmA 2 videos and they appear to perhaps be on XBOX 360!

Another thing there is a new vehicle a T34 tank! And you can see the interior looking down into the Turret! only a driver crewing it

There is also a helicopter and Aircraft video but they are older.

Kind regards walker

Edited by walker

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old. dont post duplicate info. dont make new threads. there is already enough of em.

that would be what placebo would say if he was around.

so another admin to the rescue

search is pretty good now actually with the new forum software walker ;)

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Hi kju

Well I was away for a week climbing in the mountains. It was posted on the 5th of May and it is not listed as a topic, it must be hidden in the 360 topic or something. So I guess I missed that but I am surprised I missed that being talked about in the forums.

I would think a new vehicle, with its internals visible, and new gun positions on the BMP HQ vehicle, as well as the hint at XBOX 360 development would be all over the forums.

I also note the appearance of contrails on the Fixed Wing video.

Kind Regards walker

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Hi kju

I think you are wrong this video has not been discussed.

I just did a search for "T34 Tank" in the ArmA 2 section

It appears in one thread; here in this thread and only in this thread.

Kind regards walker

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Hi kju

I think you are wrong this video has not been discussed.

I just did a search for "T34 Tank" in the ArmA 2 section

It appears in one thread; here in this thread and only in this thread.

Kind regards walker

Check this thread ;)

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The xbox symbols may have been from someone using a controller on the PC version.

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Hi all

Thank you for that HitmanFF as I said the I searched for T34 Tank but I also searched for T34 that got nothing. There appears to be a minimum word length on the search terms of the forums.

Anyway the the ArmA II information world seems to move quickly, blink and you will miss it. I go away for a week and I miss, contrails, a new tank new gun positions and signs of the XBOX 360 development.

Gonna have to start using my mobiles Internet function to keep up to date when I am in the mountains.

Actually nah I would rather be a week late hearing the news than spoil the solitude of my time in the mountains.

Kind regards

Edited by walker

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Interesting video. It does seem the as if the game is running on 360, but like Sparks said those could be the layots of 360 controler on PC. But if you really think about it, is there really that big of a drive to use a 360 controller on FPS? I don't think so. So I think this does look a lot like it's played on 360...

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Console interface doesn't mean it's running on a console. If it was running on the Xbox 360 I'm sure the site would have said so. As Suma posted a while ago they can't announce a console version until they can confirm publishers and stuff.

Also notice the mouse pointer visible in the video :p

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Why you guys think we have a sticky xbox thread?

We really don't need a new thread for every brainfart you have when there are already existing ones.

Closing, continue discussion in the xbox thread.

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