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Easier ALL 1-6...

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If i place alot of units in the group

and i place them with NONE in special..

How do i keep them in the SAME possition

without having to clicking ALL 1 and 6 as

soon as the mission start..?

Is there something i can put in the UNIT initfield that will

keep him in place til i start order him around..??

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Use a bit of doStop magic. Place this in the init line of the group leader:

{doStop _x} forEach (units this-[this])

That'll keep them in place until you say so. :-)

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I think i was a bit hasty in my cheers...

Im also using the COC Cex. And when i isue a ADVANCE order

to the platoon, the only units that move are PL.Com and Squadleaders..

Everyone else is frozen to the ground..

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Try adding this instead of the DoStop command.

This DoMove (GetPos This)

They will stay put, but should be willing to accept additional orders.

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Or do you mean i should put that line in """ALL""" units...Not just the squadleader.??

Couse putting it in the Sq.L init wont work.

I need em to stay in the assigned formation as i placed em in the editor...

The first line Killswitch works, but the wont move after it...

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Here's UNN's snippet adapted for use in the init lines of squad leaders, just like the first suggestion using doStop:

{_x doMove (getPos _x)} forEach (units this - [this])

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Platoon leader is one group with 3 Members

SquadLeader is seperate group with 8 Members.

All are linked with CoC CEX.

When putting the first code:

{doStop _x} forEach (units this-[this])

All works, but, only leaders will move after issueing advance orders in the CEX..

The following codes:

This DoMove (GetPos This)


{_x doMove (getPos _x)} forEach (units this - [this])

Isnt working at all..

Edited by Andersson[SWEC]

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Yeah, these guys are like kids when you tell them to stay put. 3..2..1 gone again :)

I got better results when using <disableAI "move"> command instead. Once done I had them recover by <enableAI "move">. The only situation I observed where they still started moving was when under attack.

Give it a shot, won't hurt.


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I think you need to explain that in detail...

Im lost coming to scripting and init codes.

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You need to get into scripting; you would be amazed what you can do with the powerful script language made available by BIS. Also, it would make the editing forum a less puzzling place for you to be :)

Having said that, I am referring to this command:


Put this into the init line of one or more of your problematic soliders. If they behave like they should be then embed it into the code suggested before:

{_x disableAI "move"} forEach (units this-[this])

(Init line for each group leader)

This allows you to partially switch off the AI (brain) of selected units. However, in order to get them going again they would need more code to switch their brains to "on" again later (by using the "enableAI" command). You could have the same line of code again issued once you leave a trigger area created in the editor for example. The trigger commands would be something like:

{_x disableAI "move"} forEach (units exampleleader1);{_x disableAI "move"} forEach (units exampleleader2); 

And so on. If you still have no clue what I am talking about - get back to the 1st line of this post. It might be required you more get into the subject before trying this solution. Maybe there's an easier one; I just keep thinking in terms of scripts all the time.



- edited for readability -

Edited by VictorFarbau

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I think the problem is, he wants to stop them moving until the COC command engine issues some orders.

All works, but, only leaders will move after issueing advance orders in the CEX.

You will have to expand your stay put script. Once you've told them to DoMove to where they were initially place, run a script that waits until your leader gets an order from CEX. I can't test anything atm put something like this might work. But you will have to debug it yourself:


_Officer=_This Select 0;

{_x doMove (getPos _x)} forEach (units _Officer - [_Officer]);

   //See what command CEX issues to the officer of each group
   Player SideChat Format ["Officer %1 CEX Order %2",_Officer,currentCommand _Officer];

   //If you can see the CEX command and it isn't MOVE then change the next line
   ((currentCommand _Officer)=="MOVE")

//Get them to follow the officer once CEX has started issuing orders
{_x doFollow _Officer} ForEach (units _Officer-[_Officer]);

In your init for each group leader:

sP=[This] ExecVM "StayPut.sqf";

Like I said, not sure it will work. But you will need to find a trigger that tells you when CEX is issuing orders, so you can tell a group leaders units to start following him again.

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