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Faction Question

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So, I started looking at the factions for ArmA 2 today since I tried to shun away from anything ArmA 2 related because I die from anticipation...

Well finally today I decided to go look at the almost fully updated ArmA 2 website and I have a few questions about the factions.

I noticed there are quite a few of them, and the story seems to be based on keeping down the terrorist action of the communist faction and the gorilla faction. Now I am wondering, does this mean finally the US and Russia are working together rather than being enemies for once? To be honest I am tired of the U.S. vs Russia and all that hatred between the nations that keeps fueled up with that.

Also, is there any word on how this affects the mission maker? For example, in ArmA, the RACS can be aligned with the West, East, or Neither. Will we be able to mix it up even further? Such as, have the Chernarussian Defence Forces allied with the US and Russia, while going against the Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star and National Party. But at the same time, also have the Red Star be at conflict with the National Party.

Or maybe even have the Napa, Red Star, US, Russia, and CDF in one large 5 man war? Any word on this info yet?

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and the gorilla faction.

You remind me of a certain girl who in a very drunken mood warned us for the gorilla in a certain country, instead of the guerilla. We looked around but we never found our King Kong. :(

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well, I mistyped it, and firefox just made it that gorilla... so I just left it there... I figure if my spelling was so bad firefox couldn't type in the right guerrilla then I would go with the next best word...

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Hi all

Ah the complexities of international geopolitics. At last with ArmA II we have game that will test the issues and the grey matter of the player.

Here are a billionth of the possibilities

Americans and Russians combine together as allies to defeat waring terrorist groups in a neutral third country.


Americans and Russians combine together as allies to defeat waring terrorist groups in a reluctant third country.


Americans and Russians combine together as enemies in mutual fear to defeat waring terrorist groups.


Americans and Nationalist Militia combine together as allies to defeat waring terrorist groups in weak third Party while Russians are Neutral.


Americans and Nationalist Militia combine together as allies to defeat waring terrorist groups in weak third Party while Russians are Antagonistic.


Americans and the Third Party country combine together as allies to defeat waring terrorist groups while Russians are Antagonistic to one side while supporting the other.


Americans and the Third Party country and a Nationalist Militia combine together as allies to defeat a separatist group while Russians are Antagonistic to one side while supporting the other.


Americans and the Third Party country combine together as allies to defeat a separatist group while Russians are Antagonistic of both terrorist groups and conduct raids into the third party country thus disputing its sovereignty.


The Russians and a separatist group in a Third Party country combine together as allies to defeat a Nationalist ethnic cleansers while Americans are Antagonistic of both terrorist groups and conduct raids into the third party country with its tacit approval.


Multinational business interests can see a natural resource they can extract. So they wind up or pay Nationalistic Ethnic cleansers to have a go at a different ethnic group. At the same time through the influence of their Russian arm they supply training and weapons to the different ethnic group along with a radical from out of a prison or hospital or weird religious/political sect with money to act as their leader, this leads to a separatist war, they use their Russian interests to expand the war and destabilize the country and then use their US and UN interests to send in a stabilization force and then insert their own puppet into the post of president long enough for the puppet to sign a treaty giving them the rights to extract the natural resource.


That last plan might be a start point with branching possibilities:

1) The existing President of the third party country is assassinated leading to a full scale civil war and escalates toward Armageddon

2) The existing President of the third party country survives an assassination attempt leading to a crack down that triggers a full scale civil war that escalates toward Armageddon

3) The existing President of the third party country is strong enough to defeat the separatists this causes the Russians to invade to help their brothers and escalates toward Armageddon

4) The radical leader is such an accomplished leader that he foments a coup on the pretext of the threatened separatism captures western advisers/diplomats or Russian advisers/diplomats triggering an attack from from one or both of the global powers which escalates toward Armageddon

5) Non of the above escalates toward Armageddon.

6) Blow back The radical leader is such an accomplished leader that he foments a coup on the pretext of the threatened separatism preventing the puppet from being installed triggering an attack from from one or both of the global powers at the behest of their business masters.

etc. etc.

As you can see the possibilities and complexities are endless.

If ArmA II and its MODs take off we may have more politically aware bunch of gamers.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Well... that is the gist of what I am talking about, my question is though, will it be able to work that way...

Or will it be like, 2 countries are always "east" and two countries are always "west" and a central team that can change sides, or will sides be able to be made up like you said...

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That information is not known. I would imagine that factions ally with you based on your actions in the campaign.

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Well... that is the gist of what I am talking about, my question is though, will it be able to work that way...

Or will it be like, 2 countries are always "east" and two countries are always "west" and a central team that can change sides, or will sides be able to be made up like you said...

I am pretty sure it will be like that. Seeing as multiple factions are stuck on a side and you can only change the alliance of a whole side (For technical reasons), i expect that only 1 side (Resistance side, NAPA faction) will be able to change alliances in the campaign. Otherwise the ChDKZ could start liking you, but then Russia would have to like you as well at the same time because they are on the same side and that would just be weird. :D

EDIT: And sorry about the gorilla thing last night. ;)

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huh wans't it US vs Russia in Arma2?

in OPF2 US is allied with russia against the chinese.

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Hi all

What we have here is "Sensitivity to initial conditions" note I am not saying Chaos but I am saying you need to understand Chaos Theory to undestand what can happen.


If ArmA II can be patched to have Dynamic Factions then we can use it to examine and research this in political simulation.

Even 6 factions is capable of a great deal dynamic interaction, as I posted above but true Dynamic factions; where each entity is atracted and repelled by others by environmental factors and they conglomerate to form political factions based on their positive and negative experience, around say Maslow's hierarchy of needs, rather than join predefined static entities should be the ultimate goal.

As to giving such entities a political name that could be created from a short dictionary list, say of say 1000 existing political names, based on closest match to political aspirations of the inital forming group that sets its constitution.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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In the pics released so far of the campaign, we have Razor Team (septic marines) joining the NAPA to help liberate villages from the ChKDz. In the same screens, the chat shown mentions "Russian patrols" in the area being minimal, and they "...shouldn't be a problem."

From this one could believe that the ChKDz have taken hold of the country, the Russians, seeing this, have finally decided to come take a look and perhaps give the Chedaki a hand stabilising things, and the NAPA are still fighting a guerilla campaign, supported by the Americans, at first covertly, but later overtly (as seen where Chernagorsk is sieged and presumably liberated).

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All the while, the CDF is having a sordid affair with the handsome USMC, right under NAPA's nose. Meanwhile, Russia thinks that its relationship with ChKDz is blossoming into a beautiful romance, but it's really a plot by ChKDz to get Russia's inheritance with the sensitive and vulnerable civilians caught in the middle. Tune in next time.

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What the heck... we stilll have russians as enemies ? I was hoping for some Joint Operation that would involve both Razor and Spetznaz :icon_wink:

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in OPF2 US is allied with russia against the chinese.

In OFP there is no Russian faction (on a Russian island).

In ArmA 2 whether Ruskies are friendly or hostile may depend on the players actions? (I wish!)

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In OFP there is no Russian faction (on a Russian island).

In ArmA 2 whether Ruskies are friendly or hostile may depend on the players actions? (I wish!)

Im not sure if the russians are ingame with OPF2 but im 100% sure they are allied with the US in the game.

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I myself am sick of this US vs Russia cold war propaganda that keeps going on. I myself have great respect for Russians. I served in the Army for years and I must say for the most part we don't worry about, fear, or hate the russians in the military. So why do game developers keep pushing all of this cold war hatred on us?

How about we work with these nations, maybe add an actual terrorist faction rather than a nation vs nation deal. Or make up countries or just plain make up a new war. US vs UK, US vs France, US and Russia vs India and Somalia, just please can we mix up the US vs Russia deal, its old.

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All the while, the CDF is having a sordid affair with the handsome USMC, right under NAPA's nose. Meanwhile, Russia thinks that its relationship with ChKDz is blossoming into a beautiful romance, but it's really a plot by ChKDz to get Russia's inheritance with the sensitive and vulnerable civilians caught in the middle. Tune in next time.

:cool: <Cuts to credits>

...I think we should have thrown in a few bastard/illegitimate children in there somewhere.

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