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random evolution

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Not sure if anyone's done this before - I certainly haven't seen it. Starting with KilJoy's Evo Blue 2 a while ago, I customised it according to the demands of the clan in our desire to manage the server better.

Recently, I've combined hohei towns with the original. At mission start, a number of the towns will be pre-cleared, giving some variety in gameplay. It took a while to make it reliable but I'm very pleased with it, now.

There's loads of other stuff I've added and/or customised so far: -

Stuff many admins like:

- no side missions

- player names on map

- speccy script

- regular objective updates telling players where and what they're supposed to be attacking

Gameplay stuff:

- winching helos

- towing trucks

- field guns

- static weapons (including from Warefare)

- improved use of map marker glyphs

- elite units sent to destroy MHQ

- fixed all spelling mistakes in the entire mission. Guys, it's "Pah-ray-zo", not "Pah-riz-ee-oh" ;)

- points for taxiing people from anywhere to anywhere

- points for driving mhq (it's a tedious job!)

- points for being on the scene when radio towers destroyed

- squad points for various things


- colour coded medic map to tell who's badly hurt and who's not

- restricted engineer trucks to engineers

- more varied civ vehicles - but no tractors :)

- paratroopers

- POW markers

- extra squad menu for ease of squadding

- glorious secondary explosions from many vehicles

- infantry mode made more playable

- captured shilkas show green hatching circles

- fog working

- messages when players use enemy vehicles so you think twice before shooting them

- more sophisticated mhq status information

- snipers get sniper guns from start

This is not a formal list, but just what I can remember as I eat my lunch. I believe the current version (.r22) is stable. It's tuned for high server fps as well as depth of play.

It's called "Random Evolution TG .rXX" where XX is a release number. If you're interested come and try it on thegrunts server 1.15b

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It's running the vanilla beta with faces and SFX permitted. VOIP is off (we use vent). Sometimes the rest of the clan play a mod (e.g. ACE) but I just use that as editing time :).

I had no idea plants were still an issue - afaik we don't have lowplants or anything running. I certainly don't have anything like that on my client. Is there a reason to have such a thing?

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Is your mission co-op or TvT? Does it use ranking?

I've only played Evo 3 and know nothing about Evo 2.

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evo 2 and 3 are fairly similar.

i have ranking and it is coop. name is actually "(Co30) Random Evolution TG .r22".

u start with a satchel. snipers get an spr12 and can upgrade quicker than other players

Making notes for .r23 right now

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It sounds great but based on what I know about Evo, there is no global variable like in Domination where you can turn off ranking, right?

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I think Proper_plants is a must have. Look it up on this forum and check it out. I don't play without it. That and JTD smoke.

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Should consider using ACE elements in it. ;) Thanks for letting us play on this nonetheless.

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I can set up "global variables" like Param1 ok so can add a "Unlocked/No Ranks" option easily enough. For example, last night I wrote a "No MHQ" game option which, amongst other things, will appear in .r23 in a day or two.

I'll check out the plants and smoke punisher, thanks.

Everyone wants me to add ACE to it, but I want to get all the ideas out of my head first, so it may have a to wait a while. If someone else does it well in the meantime and I hear about it, I'll do a quick port.

nowyoudie - i see you're on the server now. I must apologise for Faron who insists on putting on an old, bugged version of hohei every morning. I'm debating whether to rudely shut the server down, delete that mission and restart it as I type.

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I did not see your server in the list last night. Do you turn it off at certain time? I did a filter for "thegrunts". Maybe I am just ignorant.

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the server name changed so there's a gap in the name. "grunts" will find it.

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I can set up "global variables" like Param1 ok so can add a "Unlocked/No Ranks" option easily enough.

That would be awesome! :yay:

For example, last night I wrote a "No MHQ" game option which, amongst other things, will appear in .r23 in a day or two.

It sounds like your modded mission has some great potential.

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Ahh darn it, I had the top rank, but it seems the server restarted. I repaired and parked 3 T72's and 1 BMP from Paraiso in the base for people to take and use. Ah well :)

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your reward is in heaven.

Hope to have .r23's glitches ironed out this evening in time for a round on it before I go to bed.

Other stuff I remembered being in random evo: -

- global message when someone is bananaphoned. It gives their score each time.

- if you select an m14a4sd ("QDS") rifle, your ammo is checked and swapped out for SD ammo

Main changes to expect in r23

- "Normal Mode" has increased enemy, to differentiate the experience from that encountered in "Infantry Only" mode.

- added "No MHQ" mode

- added "No Ranks" mode

- further customisation of the secondary explosions. They are SUCH fun!

- I hope to remake the Officer/capture thing from scratch, but I'll probably just leave it amended slightly. Again.

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.r23 is ready now.

Remembered some more script stuff in random evo: -

- players can 'dig in' to create a small sandbag barricade

- reinforcements are made from an expanded list of Red vehicles

- escaped enemy officers re-arm themselves

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Will you be hosting this anywhere or will we have to join a "grunts" server to snag it?

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If someone wants it and for whatever reason can't snag it from the grunts server, pm me and I'll email it to you.

btw I've gone straight on to .r24 after realising I uploaded a debug compile of .r23 by mistake: pacify a town with 0-0-1 and get +200 points with 0-0-0 :) Have altered taxi, towing and hitching points calculations after hearing about a bug.

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it's been a hectic day of live testing, fixes n stuff. I'm on .r26 :D

also.., running 1.16 beta

- towers are protected by MG nests

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Apparently they switched back to 1.15 after lots of people had disconnects. I haven't played all weekend... just bought a Wii and been trying to bomb-proof the POW/Officer capture scripts. grrrrr.

Maybe the problem was everyone updating their servers to 1.16 caused server bottlenecks :D.

We might host the mission on the grunts webserver soon.

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sorry i'm not in charge of server. hopefully we will try 1.16 again in a day or two. some of our clan have ati of course.

now I have uploaded .r27

improvements over .r26: -

- fixed (yeah I broke it in 26) and much improved POW\officer routines. best of any evo ever :)

- some server optimisations

- can no longer tow/winch tower-defense MG nests!

- misc other things

anybody can pm me and I'll happily email the mission. if it proves stable, I'll see about getting it onto our clan server for d/l and have myself an editing breather.

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It's been less than half an hour and I'm already thinking about ACEing Random Evo... Please let there be some bugs in r27 so I can forget about ACE.

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