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I have a question

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Im still new here. I use to play, well still do play COD 4 and battlefield games on my xbox 360. I gave arma a go and its been the newest addiction since. I played it on my computer, but played it on almost max on my friends PC rig. I probably have a very stupid question, But When I see the Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star I like their style. the tree and eviroments of the map remind me of my town in kentucky (the wooded areas). So in a way I favor them more then the marines, russian soldiers or any conventional army. Now here is the stupid question, If this comes to consoles will we be able to play as Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star in multiplayer or/and single player?

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Im still new here. I use to play, well still do play COD 4 and battlefield games on my xbox 360. I gave arma a go and its been the newest addiction since. I played it on my computer, but played it on almost max on my friends PC rig. I probably have a very stupid question, But When I see the Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star, and the tree and eviroments of the map remind me of my town in kentucky (the wooded areas). So in a way I favor them more then the marines, russian soldiers or any conventional army. Now here is the stupid question, If this comes to consoles will we be able to play as Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star in multiplayer or/and single player?

I would strongly think so. I never got around to getting OFP:E but I do believe you could play as all 4 factions in that.

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well in operation flashpoint elite for the xbox they allowed us to play as russian, US or civilian so i do not see why they won't allow us to

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The nature of the game is that they wouldn't limit what factions/units you can play as. That's my take on it at least.

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Im still new here. I use to play, well still do play COD 4 and battlefield games on my xbox 360. I gave arma a go and its been the newest addiction since. I played it on my computer, but played it on almost max on my friends PC rig. I probably have a very stupid question, But When I see the Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star I like their style. the tree and eviroments of the map remind me of my town in kentucky (the wooded areas). So in a way I favor them more then the marines, russian soldiers or any conventional army. Now here is the stupid question, If this comes to consoles will we be able to play as Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star in multiplayer or/and single player?

im sure you can.

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Just don't expect a lot of focus on the faction you want. The main campaign will most likely be just Marines and the single missions are separate cases. The community will make more missions of various kinds and there aren't any limitations in self-made missions.

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