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colonel well

iluminati in ufo

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Will you make an Alex Jones unit to fend off these pesky bastards?


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should add in a president obama unit aswell to lead the illuminati thumbs-up.gif

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well looks like the good old colone is at it look man if you r going to bring tham out than do it as long as you did ask the model maker of the models you r useing if its ok to use tham for the game all it takes is a min or two to email the kid and ask soz but some one as to tell ya and as told by W0lle

{Also let me remind you: If you never plan to release these addons to the public then there is no reason you post the stuff here. Same goes if you have "borrowed" these addons without permission from the original authors as you did in the past. }

all ways ask for permission i do tounge2.gif and i all ways get a yes back

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whats illuminati? There is very little desciption on this :P

the Illuminati:

The illuminati is pretty much a secret society that is planning to take over the world.

wipe out 80% of humanity so the rest would be easier to control.

have a World Economy and a World Government.

(so far we have acomplished this much)

the UN,EU,WTO(world trade organization)

GLOBALIZATION is there main Goal.

The Builderburg Group is probobly the most responsible for a NEW WORLD ORDER. they are known as the "Architects"

There are illuminati simbols everywrere. Especially on the $1 USD the Pryamid with the eye (the eye of Rah) or pretty much "BIG BROTHER"

where ever you go BIG BROTHER is watching you. no lie.


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