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noobie mission editor question

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So how would one go about opening a preexisting mission in the editor? I'm trying to better understand how everything is tied together better.

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do you mean the original arma missions? if so un-pbo it, then place it in your other missions folder(i figure you already know were it is) then open it up in the editor!

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For depbo stuff, I reccommend Kegetys tools from here:


One of these tools is called cpbo. This tool is needed to extract pbo files. Because even mission files are pbo files, they have to get extracted and placed right in your files/ArmA/missions directory...

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Or place unpbo'd mission folder in your :-


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For depbo stuff, I reccommend Kegetys tools from here:


One of these tools is called cpbo. This tool is needed to extract pbo files. Because even mission files are pbo files, they have to get extracted and placed right in your files/ArmA/missions directory...

so how do you uninstall this?

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un-pack the downloaded file, then right click on cpbo and click on the application to start the process, then follow through the installing procedures!

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un-pack the downloaded file, then right click on cpbo and click on the application to start the process, then follow through the installing procedures!

Uninstall all of this, I understand how to open the file and install it. I'm trying to get it off of my computer that is the problem, it's still showing in the explorer. thanks

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oh sorry, my bad! all you have to do is right click on the cpbo file, and then press unistall! if you did that but it still shows up then delete everything there is that has to do with the cpbo file!

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Why would you like to get it off from you system? Actually theres no need to to do this. I always have it installed and always will do if it takes me to a reinstall of the game or windows. This tool, is just amazing, quick to use easy to handly and not less usefull...

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Ok I guess I'm missing something here with the whole packing and unpacking of the PBO files. So for us slooow people, namely me. I find a PBO file to unpack. Then I guess I'm not understanding how to unpack it with this program. I see how to pack it but that's about it. I need basic instructions on how to unpbo it I know where I would like to move it. Thanks for the patience.

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if it has been installed properly then, right click on the pbo you want un-pbo, at the very top it should say extract! click it! smile_o.gif

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As you can see in case A, one of the advantages of cpbo is that all pbo files look different to non pbo files, which is easier to locate them, if needed.

Case B shows the example of contextmenu after rightclick on a pbo file. One would now have the possibilitie to extracta pbo file. The folder will be saved right in the same folder where the pbo is located.

Case C shows the way what would happen if a folder shall get repacked back to a pbo file, just click on create pbo...thats it..

You can also use BIS pbo tool, thats not less usefull but a little more complicate to handle for those who have absolutely no idea how to use those files.. wink_o.gif

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if it has been installed properly then, right click on the pbo you want un-pbo, at the very top it should say extract! click it! smile_o.gif

Last try I think

1. I down loaded this program(S)

2. unzipped all to the desktop

3. double clicked the cpbo.exe

4. answered yes when asked if I wanted to associate cpb with

PBO files and directories (Explorer right click menu)

5. found a PBO file

6. Right clicked No option for extract

I'm starting to feel really stupid on all this! (no need to say it) So once again what am I doing wrong and any suggestions would help

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if it has been installed properly then, right click on the pbo you want un-pbo, at the very top it should say extract! click it! smile_o.gif

Last try I think

1. I down loaded this program(S)

2. unzipped all to the desktop

3. double clicked the cpbo.exe

4. answered yes when asked if I wanted to associate cpb with

PBO files and directories (Explorer right click menu)

5. found a PBO file

6. Right clicked No option for extract

I'm starting to feel really stupid on all this! (no need to say it) So once again what am I doing wrong and any suggestions would help

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What is your operating system? I noticed a couple days ago a similar issue at a friends machine. He ran Win Vista and had no extracted folder after he was clicking on extract, but he had that option in his contextmenu.

In your case it could be a security setting of your system. It might be that you are need to execute as administrator.

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What is your operating system? I noticed a couple days ago a similar issue at a friends machine. He ran Win Vista and had no extracted folder after he was clicking on extract, but he had that option in his contextmenu.

In your case it could be a security setting of your system. It might be that you are need to execute as administrator.

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that should work actually....otherwise úse Amalfies unpbo or make pbo...that works by browse to your pbo file...

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if it has been installed properly then, right click on the pbo you want un-pbo, at the very top it should say extract! click it! smile_o.gif

Last try I think

1. I down loaded this program(S)

2. unzipped all to the desktop

3. double clicked the cpbo.exe

4. answered yes when asked if I wanted to associate cpb with

     PBO  files and directories (Explorer right click menu)

5. found a PBO file

6. Right clicked No option for extract

I'm starting to feel really stupid on all this! (no need to say it) So once again what am I doing wrong and any suggestions would help

well first of all your dif. not stupid! i have troble with things too! and does evryone else on here! we are gonna have to wait till i get home from work then ill try i on my comptur, and will get back to ya!  

but till then... on number 4, you talked about the intilation process, just to ask... but did you install the cpbo into your arma directory, where your addons folder, data folder and so on are? if not that might be your problem! but like i said ill get back to you after work! see ya then smile_o.gif

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It doesn't matter where your cpbo.exe is located at. I have mine in d:\editing tools and it works perfect even with Vista x64.

If it's not installed yet, all you have to do is doubleclick on the .exe and answer 'yes' to the question if pbo files shall be associated with cpbo.

After that locate the pbo in question on your drive, rightclick and select "extract" from the menu. It then extracts the pbo into a folder at the same place with the same name as the pbo.

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It doesn't matter where your cpbo.exe is located at. I have mine in d:\editing tools and it works perfect even with Vista x64.

If it's not installed yet, all you have to do is doubleclick on the .exe and answer 'yes' to the question if pbo files shall be associated with cpbo.

After that locate the pbo in question on your drive, rightclick and select "extract" from the menu. It then extracts the pbo into a folder at the same place with the same name as the pbo.

Yes I have tried the install if you would have read my other posts smile_o.gif

Thanks though, I will try and use search function better

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I just double click (well windows set up for single click)left mouse button on the pbo file and it unpbo's there and then -maybe try that?

Mine is permantly on desktop.

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I just double click (well windows set up for single click)left mouse button on the pbo file and it unpbo's there and then -maybe try that?

Mine is permantly on desktop.

Well tried that also to no avail. Guess I'm stuck using some of the other programs out their after I read up on the forums how to get this off my system. Many thanks to all for helping out this editing noob javascript:emoticon('notworthy.gif'wink_o.gif

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