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Shack effect

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I have a question: In the last video we can see the effect of shake when the tank firing

but in the advent of the video faction of the red star, we can see a similar effect when the guy

fires the machine gun

but is it a final in-game (shake effect) or the video, just a visual effect (effect of style, cameraman)

in Advent last video?

thank you for your answer!

wink_o.gif for better understanding! rofl.gif

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a shaker ==shake (martiny dry tounge2.gif )

invunlunteer move by shock effect of weapons !

wink_o.gif a explosion like firworks shake you whith a big blast !

a bouum effect !

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What you want to know is an effect created by the cameraman, not the firing it self.

Though would be nice indeed if the vegetation would shake with the action smile_o.gif

Ps- Better would be if the antennas of the vehicles would be animated like in real life wink_o.gif

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he means the viewshake during explosions/blasts. yes i hope it will be like that ingame, not reaching too far though so you have to stand kind of close to make the view shake. distance scaling too of course. (:

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Think its a camera effect. But yeah, if you were close - small shake might be nice. Too much and hello arcade...


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would be nice indeed for any kind of blast and very loud sounds (like a passing A10 5m from your head...).

It could be simply linked to the sound "volume" (not the output of your speakers, but the engine value).

Just a thought...

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I think a better description for it would be a shock effect from the shockwave of the blast.

A slight shake or vibration if you're very close to a tank rolling by.

It would help with the immersion.

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