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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (timmy @ Mar. 06 2002,00:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i run at highest resolution and 32bit color<span id='postcolor'>

What is your highest resolution?

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He he he

AthlonXP 1800+ (1533 Mhz)

256Mb DDR 266 RAM

Radeon 8500

Run OFP on everything!!!! max plus antialiasing at


never had a single slowdown!!!! I want 1024*1024 texture support now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw played missions with viewdistance at 3000 m

Still smooth as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tounge.gif

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Hey Hobo,

I upgraded from almost that exact machine. With the >1ghz processor, the game will feel totally different from the p3-450 you have. The Geforce2MX will handle okay. Here's the prob. The Gefoce2MX takes serious performance hits above 640x480x32 or 800x600x16 (both those are 15% hit already compared to 640x480x16). OFP likes 800x600 so you can read the text! It also likes either 32bit for z-buffer or 16bit with w-buffer (otherwise ugly as). However, with the Geforce2MX at almost any resolution, when there is smoke near by, or you look through tank sights at smoke, you will slow to a crawl. The fill rate just can't handle overdrawing the screen that many times.

Summary: The upgrade is good, you will enjoy the game lots more, however, if you really love the game and want high-res or high-color, think about a upgrade to at least Geforce2 Ultra.

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He he... My 2.2Ghz P4, Abit TH72-R RAID (0) Mobo, GF4 Ti4600, with 1 Gig of PC800 Rambus, dual 60 Gig HD's and Audigy 5.1 machine has no problem whatsoever. biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ Mar. 05 2002,03:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I haven't noticed any difference when using T&L in OFP, I just leave it turned on for psychological reasons, lol<span id='postcolor'>

Hahaha, that´s got to be the best reason i´ve ever heard to enable T&L in Flashpoint biggrin.gif.

Regarding speed; i recently bought a Geforce 3 TI 200 to replace my Geforce 2MX- the major performance gain i expected in OFP didn´t occure, although all other games i currently posess, like FS2002, IL-2, Ghost Recon and MOHAA not only look much better, but also run faster a multitude of times with the new card. The reason why OFP didn´t run much better is without doubt my CPU, which is a Duron 700 o/c to 900MHz, so i guess the processor dependance and according load in OFP is very high compared to other games, eventually the CPU is doing some operations that could be handled by the graphics card faster.

I also heard that OFP runs best on Voodoo5 cards.

If you really want to speed up OFP, a fast CPU and more than 256MB RAM are the best ways for doing this.

I have 384MB RAM btw.

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