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Textures config help needed

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Quote[/b] ]Have you tested it using testi=[_tex, 333]? May be one number is too close to the next surface. This may cause it to be invisible.

Nope,didn't work.Also that "lag" appears also with time == 0.Well,to discribe it better,it affects turning of soldiers and turrets.It's like this fraction of a second turning hangs completely next it is very jerky and next it works normally but little slower.It doesn't appear if i disable this part of script.

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Well,it's not that script.Could it be my T72 config(tracked.pbo)?Config

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sorry mate could you explain again what you are trying to achieve

it looks like that you have little clue what you are actually doing here  huh.gif

i mean dont get me wrong. yet you just posted a config

that only has a different model and references a third party

script via config based EH or do i miss sth?

you know even that you talked about tracked.pbo scares me

and the config need serious overhaul as well.

in other words everything should be dropped apart from your actual

changes, you need a new pbo and new cfgPatches definition

with correct requiredAddons.

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Quote[/b] ]sorry mate could you explain again what you are trying to achieve

Model change with working numbering even after loading saved game.

Quote[/b] ]i mean dont get me wrong. yet you just posted a config

that only has a different model and references a third party

script via config based EH or do i miss sth?

Think you are right.

Quote[/b] ]you know even that you talked about tracked.pbo scares me

and the config need serious overhaul as well.

Well i did all the model changes in OFP this way without too much trouble.

Quote[/b] ]in other words everything should be dropped apart from your actual

changes, you need a new pbo and new cfgPatches definition

with correct requiredAddons.

I don't want million pbo's in million mod folders.

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Quote[/b] ]I don't want million pbo's in million mod folders.

why not?

as long as your addon is "perfect" you never need to touch it


if you name it well, you know what it does and can disable it if


of course you can edit the original files, yet you will get

problems playing in MP, with patches, with other addons.

i agree that there is no good info out there about this topic.

yet i plan to make the "elite guide" sometime soon wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]why not?

Because i want to keep file/folder structure as simple as possible,so i find what i need to quickly.I'm editing arma quite often and now i',m making sounds for p_85 mod which makes this even more important.Btw,does anybody have ideas about that "lag"?

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I have tried to fix the issue by a modified version of the texture assignment script:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// e.g.: init="test=[this, 123] execVM ""\smurfc_ukr_t55\assignNumber.sqf"";";

_tex = _this select 0;

_number = _this select 1;


_nr = (_number / 100) Mod 10;

_nr = _nr - (_nr Mod 1);

while {true} do {

sleep 0.1;

waitUntil {time != 0};

switch (format ["%1", _nr]) do


case "0": { _tex setObjectTexture [0,"\smurfc_ukr_t55\numbers\zero"];};


default { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_ukr_t55\numbers\nine"];};


sleep 1;


as you can see, the texture assignment is encapsulated with a while-forever loop. I have tested save / load, and the numbers are displayed after reload, but I expect some lags, when those units are used in higher numbers.



p.s.: I have included this into the latest WIP-version, available at zShare

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Well,hope it doesn't lag more than previous solution i found(not tested with more units)Now i found out that "lag" i mentioned is appearing only in editor,not in missions. huh.gif Do i have always 3 numbers with this script?That prob should be worked out yet.

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...Now i found out that "lag" i mentioned is appearing only in editor,not in missions. huh.gif Do i have always 3 numbers with this script?That prob should be worked out yet.

In the editor only... that is suprising  wow_o.gif

Actually the script calulates only 3 digits, but when you extend the range of the second parameter, you may use the 4'th digit like this:

// 4'th digit

_nr = (_number / 1000) Mod 10;

_nr = _nr - (_nr Mod 1);


e.g. _number=7896

(_number / 1000) Mod 10 =7

(_number / 100) Mod 10 =8

(_number / 10) Mod 10 =9

(_number) Mod 10 =6

:edit: The computer ran out of memory, testing on a crCTI. Now I try an alternative algorithm, based on a reset of time after mission save / load:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

while {true} do {

sleep 0.1;

waitUntil {time != 0};

// if load, time is reset

if (time < 2) then


// assign texture



sleep 1;


I hope this fixes the issue...  crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Actually the script calulates only 3 digits, but when you extend the range of the second parameter, you may use the 4'th digit like this:

Well,my problem is that mostly there is only 2 numbers in use,sometimes 3.As i understand there should always be 3 numbers.Hope you get new script problem sorted out.

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Well,my problem is that mostly there is only 2 numbers in use,sometimes 3.As i understand there should always be 3 numbers.Hope you get new script problem sorted out.

That surprises me  wow_o.gif

My tests show all 3 digits are used. Meanwhile the last version passed all tests (crCTI + SP save / load): T-55 prerelease Version 2 by zShare

I have modified the algorithm:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">private ["_tex", "_number", "_nr", "_mytime"];

// e.g.: init="test=[this, 123] execVM ""\smurfc_ukr_t55\assignNumber.sqf"";";

_tex = _this select 0;

_number = _this select 1;

if (_number < 0) then


_number=(((getpos _tex select 0)+(getpos _tex select 1)*3+(time-(time Mod 5))*17)Mod 1000)-1;


// set _mytime to zero to assign the texture once


while {true} do {

sleep 0.1;

waitUntil {time != 0};

// if load, time is reset

if (_mytime < 2) then


_nr = (_number / 100) Mod 10;

_nr = _nr - (_nr Mod 1);

switch (format ["%1", _nr]) do


case "0": { _tex setObjectTexture [0,"\smurfc_ukr_t55\numbers\zero"];};


default { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_ukr_t55\numbers\nine"];};




sleep 1;


The only trick included is the _mytime local variable, which is set to 0 at init and will be set to a value <2 at SP load (time will be reset to 0 sec. at SP load).

I have included a time related offset for crTI / Warfare style missions (the numbers would have indicated the position of the base).

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Well,could you convert that script for smurf_era so i could test it?

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Well,could you convert that script for smurf_era so i could test it?

I only have a rather old version, but it should look like this: pastebin

May be you have to adjust the paths.

When you send a -1 as number, a position calculated number will be displayed (MP compatible).

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">...[_this select 0, -1] execVM ""\t72_era_custom\assignNumber.sqf"";...

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Quote[/b] ]When you send a -1 as number, a position calculated number will be displayed

Well,i maybe stupid but i didn't fully understand.Are you going to update era_pack with new script sometime?

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...Are you going to update era_pack with new script sometime?

No, I do not plan to update the pack, but I use similar scripts for T-55, T-84, M1A1 and T-72.

I plan to update the open source T-72 with the new scripts within the next days.

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Quote[/b] ]I plan to update the open source T-72 with the new scripts within the next days.

Nice thing,i'll wait. smile_o.gif

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Well, i might be really bad with scripts,but i tried to "update" old scripts:

assignnumber.sqf:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">private ["_tex", "_number", "_nr", "_mytime"];

// e.g.: init="test=[this, 123] execVM ""\smurfc_era\assignNumber.sqf"";";

_tex = _this select 0;

_number = _this select 1;

if (_number < 0) then


_number=(((getpos _tex select 0)+(getpos _tex select 1)*3+(time-(time Mod 5))*17)Mod 1000)-1;


// set _mytime to zero to assign the texture once


while {true} do {

sleep 0.1;

waitUntil {time != 0};

// if load, time is reset

if (_mytime < 2) then


_nr = (_number / 100) Mod 10;

_nr = _nr - (_nr Mod 1);

switch (format ["%1", _nr]) do


case "0": { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_era\numbers\zero"];};

case "1": { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_era\numbers\one"];};

case "2": { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_era\numbers\two"];};

case "3": { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_era\numbers\three"];};

case "4": { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_era\numbers\four"];};

case "5": { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_era\numbers\five"];};

case "6": { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_era\numbers\six"];};

case "7": { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_era\numbers\seven"];};

case "8": { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_era\numbers\eight"];};

default { _tex setObjectTexture [2,"\smurfc_era\numbers\nine"];};


_nr = (_number / 10) Mod 10;

_nr = _nr - (_nr Mod 1);

switch (format ["%1", _nr]) do


case "0": { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\zero"];};

case "1": { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\one"];};

case "2": { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\two"];};

case "3": { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\three"];};

case "4": { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\four"];};

case "5": { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\five"];};

case "6": { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\six"];};

case "7": { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\seven"];};

case "8": { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\eight"];};

default { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\nine"];};


_nr = (_number) Mod 10;

_nr = _nr - (_nr Mod 1);

switch (format ["%1", _nr]) do


case "0": { _tex setObjectTexture [4,"\smurfc_era\numbers\zero"];};

case "1": { _tex setObjectTexture [4,"\smurfc_era\numbers\one"];};

case "2": { _tex setObjectTexture [4,"\smurfc_era\numbers\two"];};

case "3": { _tex setObjectTexture [4,"\smurfc_era\numbers\three"];};

case "4": { _tex setObjectTexture [4,"\smurfc_era\numbers\four"];};

case "5": { _tex setObjectTexture [4,"\smurfc_era\numbers\five"];};

case "6": { _tex setObjectTexture [4,"\smurfc_era\numbers\six"];};

case "7": { _tex setObjectTexture [4,"\smurfc_era\numbers\seven"];};

case "8": { _tex setObjectTexture [4,"\smurfc_era\numbers\eight"];};

default { _tex setObjectTexture [4,"\smurfc_era\numbers\nine"];};




sleep 1;


textures.sqf:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">private ["_xehPars", "_unit", "_mytime"];

//Definitions passed to script

_xehPars = _this select 0;

_unit = _xehPars select 0;

// set _mytime to zero to assign the texture once


while {true} do {

sleep 0.1;

waitUntil {time != 0};

// if load, time is reset

if (_mytime < 2) then


_tank setObjectTexture [0,"\smurfc_era\data\t72_2_RED_co.paa"];

_tank setObjectTexture [1,"\smurfc_era\data\t72_2_RED_co.paa"];

if !(local _tank) exitwith {};

sleep 1;

if !(isengineon _tank) exitwith {};

_tank vehiclechat "Shtora system ONline";


else {

_tank setObjectTexture [0,"\smurfc_era\data\t72_2_co.paa"];

_tank setObjectTexture [1,"\smurfc_era\data\t72_2_co.paa"];




sleep 1;


I wasn't able to test sleep thingy yet,but i still get only 2 first numbers.

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I wasn't able to test sleep thingy yet,but i still get only 2 first numbers.

Can you post your config.cpp's hiddenSelections?

My oplot-entry looks like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hiddenSelections[] = {"n1","n2","n3","1_co_cust"};

Your's should look like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hiddenSelections[] = {"xxx","yyy","n1","n2","n3"};

This would result in texture-areas 2-4 for the numbers and 0/1 for the tank's textures.

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Here it is:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hiddenSelections[] = {"1_co_cust","2_co_cust","3_co_cust","num1","num2","num3"};

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Here it is:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hiddenSelections[] = {"1_co_cust","2_co_cust","3_co_cust","num1","num2","num3"};

Ummm... that is the error. You number sections are 3-5.

0: 1_co_cust

1: 2_co_cust

2: 3_co_cust

3: num1

4: num2

5: num3

So you have to adjust your numbers-script:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


case "0": { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\zero"];};

case "1": { _tex setObjectTexture [3,"\smurfc_era\numbers\one"];};...


_nr = (_number / 10) Mod 10;

_nr = _nr - (_nr Mod 1);

switch (format ["%1", _nr]) do


case "0": { _tex setObjectTexture [4,"\smurfc_era\numbers\zero"];};...


_nr = (_number) Mod 10;

_nr = _nr - (_nr Mod 1);

switch (format ["%1", _nr]) do


case "0": { _tex setObjectTexture [5,"\smurfc_era\numbers\zero"];};



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Thanks,Mike!Numbering works now. smile_o.gif

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