Meathead 0 Posted January 8, 2009 Can anyone help me figure this out: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgPatches   {       class PRACS_MH500         {             units[] = {PRACS_MH500};             weapons[] = {};             requiredVersion = 1.0;             requiredAddons[] = {};         };   }; #include <cfgmagazine.h> #include <cfgWeapons.h> #include <cfgammo.h> class CfgVehicles { class Helicopter; class AH6; // extern class PRACS_MH500: AH6 {         accuracy = 0.500000;         armor = 40;         audible = 10;         camouflage = 20;         castdrivershadow = 1;                cost = 10000000;         crew = "SoldierGPilot";         damageResistance = 0.00593;         displayName = "MH-500F (RACS)";         driverInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; driverAction = "UH60_Pilot"; cargoAction[] = {"UH60_Cargo01", "UH60_Cargo02"};         DriverCanSee = 1 + 2 + 8 + 32;         driverIsCommander = 1;         driverOpticsColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};         enableSweep = 1;         extCameraPosition[] = {0, 2, -15};         fuelCapacity = 1000;         memoryPointGun = "machinegun";                 initCargoAngleY = + 10;         irScanGround = 1;         irScanRangeMax = 4000;         irScanRangeMin = 20;         irScanToEyeFactor = 2.5;         irTarget = 1;         laserScanner = 1;         mapSize = 13;         maxCargoAngleY = + 120;         maxSpeed = 240;         weapons[] = {"PRACS_Spike_ER_Launcher","PRACS_MH_Ga1cannon"}; magazines[] = {"PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx8","PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200"};         memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver";         memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos g";         minCargoAngleY = -60;         model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500.p3d";         picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\mh6_lb_sp_CA.paa"; Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_mh6_lb_CA.paa"; nameSound = "chopper";         nightVision = 1;         opticsZoomMax = 1;         opticsZoomMin = 0.02;         rotorBig = "hip_vrt_v";         rotorBigBlend = "hip_vrtblur_v";         rotorSmall = "vrthind_m";         rotorSmallBlend = "vrthind_m_bl";         scope = 2;         selectionHRotorMove = "velka vrtule blur";         selectionHRotorStill = "velka vrtule staticka";         selectionVRotorMove = "mala vrtule blur";         selectionVRotorStill = "mala vrtule staticka";         side = 2;         simulation = "helicopter";         neutralMainRotorDive = -2; soundEngine[]={\ca\air\Data\Sound\AH6_engine_v3,db28,1}; soundGetIn[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door2", db-20, 1}; soundGetOut[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door2", db-20, 1}; threat[] = {0.600000, 1, 0.400000};         transportSoldier = 4;         type = 2;         typicalCargo[] = {"SoldierGPilot,SoldierGPilot,SoldierGAT, SoldierGAT"};         dammageHalf[]= { \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr1_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr1_ca.paa }; dammageFull[]= { \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr2_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr2_ca.paa };         vehicleClass = "air";         visibleNightLightsOff = 10;         visibleNightLightsOn = 50;         class UserActions {};         class EventHandlers {             Init = "";             fired = "";             engine = "";           };         class HitVRotor {             armor = 0.300000;             material = 51;             name = "mala vrtule";             visual = "mala vrtule";             passThrough = 1;           };         class HitHRotor {             armor = 0.300000;             material = 51;             name = "velka vrtule";             visual = "velka vrtule";             passThrough = 1;           };                   class Damage   { tex[]={}; mat[]={ "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_console.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_console.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_console_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_body.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_body.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_body_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_interier.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_interier.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_interier_destruct.rvmat" }; };         class Library {             libTextDesc = "MH 500 was born out of an idea that needed small nimble heavily equipped choppers for the RACS.";           };     }; class PRACS_MH500_CAS :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500_CAS.p3d"; displayName = "MH-500E (RACS CAS)"; weapons[]={"FFARLauncher","PRACS_MH_Ga1cannon"}; magazines[]={"38Rnd_FFAR","PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200"}; }; class PRACS_MD500 :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MD500.p3d"; displayName = "MD-500E (RACS TOW)"; weapons[]={"PRACS_MH_TOW_Launcher"}; magazines[]={"PRACS_MH_TOWx4"}; }; class PRACS_MH500_NAVY :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500_NAVY.p3d"; displayName = "AH-6N (RSN)"; weapons[] = {"FFARLauncher","TwinM134"}; magazines[] = {"14Rnd_FFAR","4000Rnd_762x51_M134"}; }; class PRACS_MH500_ATGW :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500_ATGW.p3d"; displayName = "MH-500D (RACS ATGW)"; weapons[] = {"PRACS_Spike_ER_Launcher","FFARLauncher","TwinM134"}; magazines[] = {"PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx4","14Rnd_FFAR","4000Rnd_762x51_M134"}; }; }; Also the cfgmagazine: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgMagazines { class CA_Magazine; class VehicleMagazine : CA_Magazine { scope = protected; }; class PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200: VehicleMagazine {  displayName = "Ga1 20mm HE";  displayNameMagazine = "Ga1 20mm HE";  shortNameMagazine = "Ga1 20mm HE";  count = 1200;  ammo = "PRACS_MH_Ga1_HE";  multiplier = 1;  autoFire = 1;  soundContinuous = 0;  reloadTime = 0.08;  dispersion = 0.01; }; class PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx4 : VehicleMagazine { displayName = "Spike-ER ATGM"; type = VArmor; ammo = "PRACS_MH_Spike_ER"; count = 4; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; class PRACS_MH_TOWx4 : VehicleMagazine { displayName = "TOW IIc 1A"; type = VArmor; ammo = "PRACS_MH_TOW"; count = 4; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; class PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx8 : VehicleMagazine { displayName = "Spike-ER ATGM"; type = VArmor; ammo = "PRACS_MH_Spike_ER"; count = 8; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; }; and the cfgammo: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgAmmo { class Default; // External class reference class TimeBombCore; // External class reference class MineCore; // External class reference class BulletCore; // External class reference class MissileCore; // External class reference class BulletBase : BulletCore { }; class MissileBase : MissileCore {}; class ShellCore; // External class reference class ShellBase : ShellCore {}; class LaserBombCore; class M_Maverick_AT; class M_Sidewinder_AA; class PRACS_MH_Ga1_HE: BulletBase {  soundHit[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\20HEhit.ogg",1,1};  soundHitMan[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\20HEhitman.ogg",1,1};  soundHitArmor1[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\20HEhitarmor1.ogg",1,1};  soundHitArmor2[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\20HEhitarmor2.ogg",1,1};  soundHitArmor3[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\20HEhitarmor3.ogg",1,1};  hitGround[] = {"soundHit",1};  hitMan[] = {"soundHitMan",1};  hitArmor[] = {"soundHitArmor1",0.333,"soundHitArmor2",0.333,"soundHitArmor3",0.333};  hitBuilding[] = {"soundHit",1};  explosive = 0.6; airLock=1; CraterEffects = "ExploAmmoCrater"; explosionEffects = "ExploAmmoExplosion";  hit = 35;  indirectHit = 8;  indirectHitRange = 2;  tracerColor[] = {0.8,0.1,0.1,0.04};  tracerColorR[] = {0.8,0.1,0.1,0.04};  cost = 12; }; class PRACS_MH_Spike_ER : M_Maverick_AT { model= "\PRACS_MH500\weapons\PRACS_Spike_ER.p3d"; hit = 600; indirectHit = 10; indirectHitRange = 1; maneuvrability=80; simulationStep = 0.002; trackOversteer = 1.0; trackLead = 0; airLock=false; irLock = true; initTime = 0.500000; thrustTime=70; thrust=850; cost=15000; maxSpeed=2000; maxControlRange=2500; }; class PRACS_MH_TOW : M_Maverick_AT { model= "\PRACS_MH500\weapons\PRACS_MH_TOW.p3d"; hit = 600; indirectHit = 10; indirectHitRange = 1; maneuvrability=30; simulationStep = 0.002; trackOversteer = 1.0; trackLead = 0; airLock=false; irLock = true; initTime = 0.500000; thrustTime=10; thrust=350; cost=15000; maxSpeed=2000; maxControlRange=2500; }; }; Happens only with the PRACS_MH500_ATGW version. All others working fine. thx in advance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YO 0 Posted January 8, 2009 It seems you should define scope = public or scope=2 where that mag is declared, in cfgMagazines. Good luck with your project! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meathead 0 Posted January 9, 2009 I get this error no matter what is in scope. thats whats confusing me... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Q1184 0 Posted January 9, 2009 Try removing Quote[/b] ]type = VArmor; from the mag config, the correct type is already inherited from VehicleMagazine class. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
modemmaik 53 Posted January 10, 2009 Is this the only error, you get? Or are more errors in the ArmA.rpt and this is the only one displayed? You may want to check your config ingame using the config-explorer. It already helped me a lot, when the config included a misspelled object Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meathead 0 Posted January 23, 2009 ok been working on this for awhile now and still cant tie it down. Latest .rpt is actually worse now lol Quote[/b] ]Exe version: Sun Jan 04 18:16:58 2009 build 1.14.5256 Item STR_03s01 listed twice Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/ Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/ Updating base class ->Helicopter, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/AH6/ Updating base class ->MissileBase, by ca\a10\config.bin/CfgAmmo/M_Maverick_AT/ Updating base class ->MissileLauncher, by ca\a10\config.bin/CfgWeapons/MaverickLauncher/ Warning Message: Error: creating weapon PRACS_Spike_ER_Launcher with scope=private Warning Message: Error: creating magazine PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx4 with scope=private Warning Message: Error: creating magazine PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx8 with scope=private Warning Message: Error: creating weapon PRACS_MH_Ga1cannon with scope=private Warning Message: Error: creating magazine PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200 with scope=private Warning Message: Error: creating weapon PRACS_MH_TOW_Launcher with scope=private Warning Message: Error: creating magazine PRACS_MH_TOWx4 with scope=private Warning: pracs_mh500\pracs_md500.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 506, 504, 500 Warning: pracs_mh500\pracs_md500.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 502, 500, 504 (More point errors not listed) See this error: Warning Message: Error: creating magazine PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx4 with scope=private was the initial error I was having. So I messed with the different config files and looked at othetr addons to compare and see if I seen anything out of place. Finally I decided to make some changes to the "cfgmagazines.h" using a Hind addon as a guide. anyway after I made the changes I began getting that same magazine error on all the weapons. So I was wondering if based on the info given if anyone could help track this magazine error down. here is the original magazine config: Quote[/b] ]class CfgMagazines { class CA_Magazine; class VehicleMagazine; class PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200: VehicleMagazine {  displayName = "Ga1 20mm HE";  displayNameMagazine = "Ga1 20mm HE";  shortNameMagazine = "Ga1 20mm HE";  count = 1200;  ammo = "PRACS_MH_Ga1_HE";  multiplier = 1;  autoFire = 1;  soundContinuous = 0;  reloadTime = 0.08;  dispersion = 0.01; }; class PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx4 : VehicleMagazine { scope = public; displayName = "Spike-ER ATGM"; type = VArmor; ammo = "PRACS_MH_Spike_ER"; count = 4; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; class PRACS_MH_TOWx4 : VehicleMagazine { scope = public; displayName = "TOW IIc 1A"; type = VArmor; ammo = "PRACS_MH_TOW"; count = 4; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; class PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx8 : VehicleMagazine { scope = public; displayName = "Spike-ER ATGM"; type = VArmor; ammo = "PRACS_MH_Spike_ER"; count = 8; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; }; and the one I changed to: Quote[/b] ]class CfgMagazines { class Default; // External class reference class CA_Magazine : Default { scope = protected; value = 1; displayName = ""; model = "\ca\weapons\mag_univ.p3d"; picture = ""; modelSpecial = ""; useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; reloadAction = "ManActReloadMagazine"; ammo = ""; count = 30; type = 256; initSpeed = 900; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh"; nameSound = ""; maxLeadSpeed = 23; // max estimated speed km/h }; class VehicleMagazine : CA_Magazine { type = VSoft; reloadAction = ""; }; class PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200: VehicleMagazine {  displayName = "Ga1 20mm HE";  displayNameMagazine = "Ga1 20mm HE";  shortNameMagazine = "Ga1 20mm HE";  count = 1200;  ammo = "PRACS_MH_Ga1_HE";  multiplier = 1;  autoFire = 1;  soundContinuous = 0;  reloadTime = 0.08;  dispersion = 0.01; }; class PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx4 : VehicleMagazine { displayName = "Spike-ER ATGM"; type = VArmor; ammo = "PRACS_MH_Spike_ER"; count = 4; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; class PRACS_MH_TOWx4 : VehicleMagazine { displayName = "TOW IIc 1A"; type = VArmor; ammo = "PRACS_MH_TOW"; count = 4; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; class PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx8 : VehicleMagazine { displayName = "Spike-ER ATGM"; type = VArmor; ammo = "PRACS_MH_Spike_ER"; count = 8; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; }; also if its needed, heres the weapon: Quote[/b] ]class Mode_SemiAuto; class Mode_Burst; class Mode_FullAuto; class cfgWeapons { class Default; // External class reference class PistolCore; // External class reference class RifleCore; // External class reference class MGunCore; // External class reference class LauncherCore; // External class reference class GrenadeCore; // External class reference class GrenadeLauncher; // External class reference class CannonCore; // External class reference class Launcher; // External class reference class MissileLauncher; // External class reference class BombLauncher; class MaverickLauncher; class SidewinderLaucher; class M240_veh; class PRACS_MH_Ga1cannon: MGunCore {  scope=public; displayName = "Ga1 20mm cannon";  displayNameMagazine = "Ga1";  shortNameMagazine = "Ga1";  count = 500;  magazineReloadTime = 5; multiplier = 1;  autoFire = 1;  magazines[] = {"PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200"};  sound[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\Ga1_fire.ogg",5,1};  reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\Ga1_reload.ogg",15,1};  soundContinuous = 0;  reloadTime = 0.08;  dispersion = 0.0;  minRange=1;minRangeProbab=0.10; midRange=1000;midRangeProbab=0.58; maxRange=1400;maxRangeProbab=0.4; aiRateOfFire = .09; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance = 1500; }; class PRACS_Spike_ER_Launcher : MaverickLauncher { scope=public; displayName = "Spike-ER ATGM"; minRange = 10; minRangeProbab = 0.5; midRange = 3400; midRangeProbab = 0.99; maxRange = 6000; maxRangeProbab = 0.99; magazines[] = {PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx4,PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx8}; aiRateOfFire = 5.0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance = 2500; }; class PRACS_MH_TOW_Launcher : MaverickLauncher { scope=public; displayName = "TOW IIc 1A"; minRange = 10; minRangeProbab = 0.5; midRange = 3400; midRangeProbab = 0.99; maxRange = 6000; maxRangeProbab = 0.99; magazines[] = {PRACS_MH_TOWx4}; aiRateOfFire = 5.0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance = 2500; }; }; and ammo: Quote[/b] ]class CfgAmmo { class Default; // External class reference class TimeBombCore; // External class reference class MineCore; // External class reference class BulletCore; // External class reference class MissileCore; // External class reference class BulletBase : BulletCore { }; class MissileBase : MissileCore {}; class ShellCore; // External class reference class ShellBase : ShellCore {}; class LaserBombCore; class M_Maverick_AT; class M_Sidewinder_AA; class PRACS_MH_Ga1_HE: BulletBase {  soundHit[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\20HEhit.ogg",1,1};  soundHitMan[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\20HEhitman.ogg",1,1};  soundHitArmor1[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\20HEhitarmor1.ogg",1,1};  soundHitArmor2[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\20HEhitarmor2.ogg",1,1};  soundHitArmor3[] = {"\PRacs_MH500\sounds\20HEhitarmor3.ogg",1,1};  hitGround[] = {"soundHit",1};  hitMan[] = {"soundHitMan",1};  hitArmor[] = {"soundHitArmor1",0.333,"soundHitArmor2",0.333,"soundHitArmor3&qu ot;,0.333};  hitBuilding[] = {"soundHit",1};  explosive = 0.6; airLock=1; CraterEffects = "ExploAmmoCrater"; explosionEffects = "ExploAmmoExplosion";  hit = 35;  indirectHit = 8;  indirectHitRange = 2;  tracerColor[] = {0.8,0.1,0.1,0.04};  tracerColorR[] = {0.8,0.1,0.1,0.04};  cost = 12; }; class PRACS_MH_Spike_ER : M_Maverick_AT { model= "\PRACS_MH500\weapons\PRACS_Spike_ER.p3d"; hit = 600; indirectHit = 10; indirectHitRange = 1; maneuvrability=80; simulationStep = 0.002; trackOversteer = 1.0; trackLead = 0; airLock=false; irLock = true; initTime = 0.500000; thrustTime=70; thrust=850; cost=15000; maxSpeed=2000; maxControlRange=2500; }; class PRACS_MH_TOW : M_Maverick_AT { model= "\PRACS_MH500\weapons\PRACS_MH_TOW.p3d"; hit = 600; indirectHit = 10; indirectHitRange = 1; maneuvrability=30; simulationStep = 0.002; trackOversteer = 1.0; trackLead = 0; airLock=false; irLock = true; initTime = 0.500000; thrustTime=10; thrust=350; cost=15000; maxSpeed=2000; maxControlRange=2500; }; }; Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meathead 0 Posted January 23, 2009 full .rpt: Quote[/b] ]Exe version: Sun Jan 04 18:16:58 2009 build 1.14.5256 Item STR_03s01 listed twice Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/ Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/ Updating base class ->Helicopter, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/AH6/ Updating base class ->MissileBase, by ca\a10\config.bin/CfgAmmo/M_Maverick_AT/ Updating base class ->MissileLauncher, by ca\a10\config.bin/CfgWeapons/MaverickLauncher/ Warning Message: Error: creating weapon PRACS_Spike_ER_Launcher with scope=private Warning Message: Error: creating magazine PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx4 with scope=private Warning Message: Error: creating magazine PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx8 with scope=private Warning Message: Error: creating weapon PRACS_MH_Ga1cannon with scope=private Warning: pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d:1 Error while trying to generate ST for points: 2795, 2786, 2790 ((((Multiple point errors removed to shorten quote))) Warning: pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d:VIEW_CARGO Error while trying to generate ST for points: 2572, 2570, 2574 Warning: pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d: Selection velka vrtule needs a section. The shadow volume may not work well. Warning: pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d: Selection mala vrtule needs a section. The shadow volume may not work well. Warning: pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d: Selection velka vrtule needs a section. The shadow volume may not work well. Warning: pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d: Selection mala vrtule needs a section. The shadow volume may not work well. Missing axis in model pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d:1, sel otochlaven, axis osahlavne Missing axis in model pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d:2, sel otochlaven, axis osahlavne Missing axis in model pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d:3, sel otochlaven, axis osahlavne Missing axis in model pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d:4, sel otochlaven, axis osahlavne Missing axis in model pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d:5, sel otochlaven, axis osahlavne Missing axis in model pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d:6, sel otochlaven, axis osahlavne Missing axis in model pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d:VIEW_PILOT, sel otochlaven, axis osahlavne Missing axis in model pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d:VIEW_CARGO, sel otochlaven, axis osahlavne PRACS_MH500: OtocHlaven - unknown animation source mainGun In Vehicle: pracs_mh500\pracs_mh500.p3d missing driver get in direction point Warning Message: Cannot open object data3d\pracs_mh_hellfire.p3d Warning Message: Cannot load material file \ca\data\sklo-pass2.rvmat. Cannot load material file \ca\data\sklo-pass2.rvmat I am wondering if its not in the main config so here is the config file: Quote[/b] ]class CfgPatches { class PRACS_MH500 { units[] = {PRACS_MH500}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; #include <cfgmagazine.h> #include <cfgWeapons.h> #include <cfgammo.h> class CfgVehicles { class Helicopter; class AH6 ; // extern class PRACS_MH500: AH6 { accuracy = 0.500000; armor = 40; audible = 10; camouflage = 20; castdrivershadow = 1; cost = 10000000; crew = "SoldierGPilot"; damageResistance = 0.00593; displayName = "MH-500F (RACS)"; driverInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; driverAction = "UH60_Pilot"; cargoAction[] = {"UH60_Cargo01", "UH60_Cargo02"}; DriverCanSee = 1 + 2 + 8 + 32; driverIsCommander = 1; driverOpticsColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; enableSweep = 1; extCameraPosition[] = {0, 2, -15}; fuelCapacity = 1000; memoryPointGun = "machinegun"; initCargoAngleY = + 10; irScanGround = 1; irScanRangeMax = 4000; irScanRangeMin = 20; irScanToEyeFactor = 2.5; irTarget = 1; laserScanner = 1; mapSize = 13; maxCargoAngleY = + 120; maxSpeed = 240; weapons[] = {"PRACS_Spike_ER_Launcher","PRACS_MH_Ga1cannon"}; magazines[] = {"PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx8","PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200"}; memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver"; memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos g"; minCargoAngleY = -60; model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500.p3d"; picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\mh6_lb_sp_CA.paa"; Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_mh6_lb_CA.paa"; nameSound = "chopper"; nightVision = 1; opticsZoomMax = 1; opticsZoomMin = 0.02; rotorBig = "hip_vrt_v"; rotorBigBlend = "hip_vrtblur_v"; rotorSmall = "vrthind_m"; rotorSmallBlend = "vrthind_m_bl"; scope = 2; selectionHRotorMove = "velka vrtule blur"; selectionHRotorStill = "velka vrtule staticka"; selectionVRotorMove = "mala vrtule blur"; selectionVRotorStill = "mala vrtule staticka"; side = 2; simulation = "helicopter"; neutralMainRotorDive = -2; soundEngine[]={\ca\air\Data\Sound\AH6_engine_v3,db28,1}; soundGetIn[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door2", db-20, 1}; soundGetOut[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door2", db-20, 1}; threat[] = {0.600000, 1, 0.400000}; transportSoldier = 4; type = 2; typicalCargo[] = {"SoldierGPilot,SoldierGPilot,SoldierGAT, SoldierGAT"}; dammageHalf[]= { \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr1_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr1_ca.paa }; dammageFull[]= { \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr2_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr2_ca.paa }; vehicleClass = "air"; visibleNightLightsOff = 10; visibleNightLightsOn = 50; class UserActions {}; class EventHandlers { Init = ""; fired = ""; engine = ""; }; class HitVRotor { armor = 0.300000; material = 51; name = "mala vrtule"; visual = "mala vrtule"; passThrough = 1; }; class HitHRotor { armor = 0.300000; material = 51; name = "velka vrtule"; visual = "velka vrtule"; passThrough = 1; }; class Damage { tex[]={}; mat[]={ "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_console.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_console.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_console_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_body.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_body.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_body_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_interier.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_interier.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_interier_destruct.rvmat" }; }; class Library { libTextDesc = "MH 500 was born out of an idea that needed small nimble heavily equipped choppers for the RACS."; }; }; class PRACS_MH500_CAS :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500_CAS.p3d"; displayName = "MH-500E (RACS CAS)"; weapons[]={"FFARLauncher","PRACS_MH_Ga1cannon"}; magazines[]={"38Rnd_FFAR","PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200"}; }; class PRACS_MD500 :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MD500.p3d"; displayName = "MD-500E (RACS TOW)"; weapons[]={"PRACS_MH_TOW_Launcher"}; magazines[]={"PRACS_MH_TOWx4"}; }; class PRACS_MH500_NAVY :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500_NAVY.p3d"; displayName = "AH-6N (RSN)"; weapons[] = {FFARLauncher,TwinM134}; magazines[] = {14Rnd_FFAR,4000Rnd_762x51_M134}; }; class PRACS_MH500_ATGW :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500_ATGW.p3d"; displayName = "MH-500D (RACS ATGW)"; weapons[] = {FFARLauncher,TwinM134, PRACS_Spike_ER_Launcher}; magazines[] = {4000Rnd_762x51_M134, 14Rnd_FFAR, PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx4}; }; }; Weapon and ammo config unchanged from above... new magazine config:(only removed type as suggested) Quote[/b] ]class CfgMagazines { class CA_Magazine; class VehicleMagazine; class PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200: VehicleMagazine { displayName = "Ga1 20mm HE"; displayNameMagazine = "Ga1 20mm HE"; shortNameMagazine = "Ga1 20mm HE"; count = 1200; ammo = "PRACS_MH_Ga1_HE"; multiplier = 1; autoFire = 1; soundContinuous = 0; reloadTime = 0.08; dispersion = 0.01; }; class PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx4 : VehicleMagazine { scope = public; displayName = "Spike-ER ATGM"; ammo = "PRACS_MH_Spike_ER"; count = 4; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; class PRACS_MH_TOWx4 : VehicleMagazine { scope = public; displayName = "TOW IIc 1A"; ammo = "PRACS_MH_TOW"; count = 4; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; class PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx8 : VehicleMagazine { scope = public; displayName = "Spike-ER ATGM"; ammo = "PRACS_MH_Spike_ER"; count = 8; initSpeed = 4; nameSound = "bomb"; sound = {"", 1.000000, 1}; reloadSound = {"", 0.000316, 1}; }; }; and again all help is highly appreciated. 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.kju 3245 Posted January 23, 2009 There are many things not good at all here. Yet the hind config is even less good. Take your first one and add the missing defines: Looking at other people's code is general not a bad idea. Yet you need to look at people's code that are known to write good code. Lucky you I am about to start the ultimate config guide. You are welcome to be a first hand tester and provide feedback, if you understand the guide. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meathead 0 Posted January 23, 2009 @Config Guide That would help alot!  How do I get me a copy? @Pastebin Thats a nifty tool you got there! So where exaclty are you referring I paste in these changes? in the MAIN Config? Like this? Quote[/b] ]#define private     0 #define protected    1 #define public      2 #define true       1 #define false      0 #define LockNo      0 #define LockCadet    1 #define LockYes     2 #define TEast      0 #define TWest      1 #define TGuerrila    2 #define TCivilian    3 #define TSideUnknown   4 #define TEnemy      5 #define TFriendly    6 #define TLogic      7 class CfgPatches   {       class PRACS_MH500         {             units[] = {PRACS_MH500};             weapons[] = {};             requiredVersion = 1.0;             requiredAddons[] = {};         };   }; #include <cfgmagazine.h> #include <cfgWeapons.h> #include <cfgammo.h> class CfgVehicles { class Helicopter; class AH6 ; // extern class PRACS_MH500: AH6 {         accuracy = 0.500000;         armor = 40;         audible = 10;         camouflage = 20;         castdrivershadow = 1;                cost = 10000000;         crew = "SoldierGPilot";         damageResistance = 0.00593;         displayName = "MH-500F (RACS)";         driverInAction = "UH60_Pilot"; driverAction = "UH60_Pilot"; cargoAction[] = {"UH60_Cargo01", "UH60_Cargo02"};         DriverCanSee = 1 + 2 + 8 + 32;         driverIsCommander = 1;         driverOpticsColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};         enableSweep = 1;         extCameraPosition[] = {0, 2, -15};         fuelCapacity = 1000;         memoryPointGun = "machinegun";                 initCargoAngleY = + 10;         irScanGround = 1;         irScanRangeMax = 4000;         irScanRangeMin = 20;         irScanToEyeFactor = 2.5;         irTarget = 1;         laserScanner = 1;         mapSize = 13;         maxCargoAngleY = + 120;         maxSpeed = 240;         weapons[] = {"PRACS_Spike_ER_Launcher","PRACS_MH_Ga1cannon"}; magazines[] = {"PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx8","PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200"};         memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver";         memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos g";         minCargoAngleY = -60;         model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500.p3d";         picture = "\ca\air\data\ico\mh6_lb_sp_CA.paa"; Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_mh6_lb_CA.paa"; nameSound = "chopper";         nightVision = 1;         opticsZoomMax = 1;         opticsZoomMin = 0.02;         rotorBig = "hip_vrt_v";         rotorBigBlend = "hip_vrtblur_v";         rotorSmall = "vrthind_m";         rotorSmallBlend = "vrthind_m_bl";         scope = 2;         selectionHRotorMove = "velka vrtule blur";         selectionHRotorStill = "velka vrtule staticka";         selectionVRotorMove = "mala vrtule blur";         selectionVRotorStill = "mala vrtule staticka";         side = 2;         simulation = "helicopter";         neutralMainRotorDive = -2; soundEngine[]={\ca\air\Data\Sound\AH6_engine_v3,db28,1}; soundGetIn[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door2", db-20, 1}; soundGetOut[] = {"\ca\air\Data\Sound\heli_door2", db-20, 1}; threat[] = {0.600000, 1, 0.400000};         transportSoldier = 4;         type = 2;         typicalCargo[] = {"SoldierGPilot,SoldierGPilot,SoldierGAT, SoldierGAT"};         dammageHalf[]= { \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr1_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr1_ca.paa }; dammageFull[]= { \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr2_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_skla_ca.paa, \ca\air\data\mh6_sklabr2_ca.paa };         vehicleClass = "air";         visibleNightLightsOff = 10;         visibleNightLightsOn = 50;         class UserActions {};         class EventHandlers {             Init = "";             fired = "";             engine = "";           };         class HitVRotor {             armor = 0.300000;             material = 51;             name = "mala vrtule";             visual = "mala vrtule";             passThrough = 1;           };         class HitHRotor {             armor = 0.300000;             material = 51;             name = "velka vrtule";             visual = "velka vrtule";             passThrough = 1;           };                   class Damage   { tex[]={}; mat[]={ "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_console.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_console.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_console_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_body.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_body.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_body_destruct.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_interier.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_interier.rvmat", "ca\air\data\materialy\mh6_interier_destruct.rvmat" }; };         class Library {             libTextDesc = "MH 500 was born out of an idea that needed small nimble heavily equipped choppers for the RACS.";           };     }; class PRACS_MH500_CAS :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500_CAS.p3d"; displayName = "MH-500E (RACS CAS)"; weapons[]={"FFARLauncher","PRACS_MH_Ga1cannon"}; magazines[]={"38Rnd_FFAR","PRACS_MH_Ga1_HEX1200"}; }; class PRACS_MD500 :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MD500.p3d"; displayName = "MD-500E (RACS TOW)"; weapons[]={"PRACS_MH_TOW_Launcher"}; magazines[]={"PRACS_MH_TOWx4"}; }; class PRACS_MH500_NAVY :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500_NAVY.p3d"; displayName = "AH-6N (RSN)"; weapons[] = {FFARLauncher,TwinM134}; magazines[] = {14Rnd_FFAR,4000Rnd_762x51_M134}; }; class PRACS_MH500_ATGW :PRACS_MH500 { model = "\PRACS_MH500\PRACS_MH500_ATGW.p3d"; displayName = "MH-500D (RACS ATGW)"; weapons[] = {FFARLauncher,TwinM134, PRACS_Spike_ER_Launcher}; magazines[] = {4000Rnd_762x51_M134, 14Rnd_FFAR, PRACS_MH_Spike_ERx4}; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted January 23, 2009 what did your arma.rpt say after testing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meathead 0 Posted January 23, 2009 um... File pracs_mh500\config.cpp, line 0: '.define': 'p' encountered instead of '=' then game shutdown  So whats the correct way to enter those #define's? ***EDIT Nevermind I forgot the first #  ***EDIT HOLY SH*T that fixed it! YOU ROCK! Please send me your new Config Guide ASAP so I can learn to be a GURU like you Q Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted January 23, 2009 well its still WIP just watch this space: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites