wld427 1705 Posted January 3, 2009 Im getting thes message in the RPT of our Mig23... Quote[/b] ]PRACS_MiG23Skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'maingear' for 'wheels' http://pastebin.com/m1f00414c <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgSkeletons { class Default; class Plane; class PRACS_MiG23Skeleton: Plane { skeletonInherit=""; isDiscrete = 1; skeletonBones[]= { "gearUp","", "rudder","", "venttail","", "nosewheel","", "nosedoorleft","", "leftwing","", "nosedoorright","", "rightwing","", "FrontWheel","", "frontGear","", "Leftwheeldoor","", "rightwheeldoor","", "ABSwitch","", "wheels","frontGear", "wheels1","FrontWheel", "rightwheel","", "leftwheel","", "aileronT_right","", "aileronT_left","", "elevator left","", "elevator right","", "flaps_left","", "flaps_right","", "sticka","", "joystick","sticka", "steerwheel_left","sticka", "steerwheel_right","sticka", "vrtule","", "vrtule 1","", "horizont","" }; }; }; class Rotation; class CfgModels { class Plane; class PRACS_MiG23: Plane { sectionsInherit=""; sections[]= { "zasleh","zbytek","vrtule blur", "vrtule" }; skeletonName="PRACS_MiG23Skeleton"; class Animations { class HorizonBank { type="rotationZ"; source="horizonBank"; selection="horizont"; axis="osa_horizont"; memory="false"; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; class HorizonDive { type="rotationX"; source="horizonDive"; selection="horizont"; axis="osa_horizont"; memory=0; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; class ABSwitch { type = "rotation"; source ="ABSwitch"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue=0; maxValue=1; animperiod= 1; selection ="ABSwitch"; axis = "osa_aileronT_right"; angle0=0; // the start angle angle1=0.00017; // the end angle, in radians (= degrees/57.3 = degrees * 180/p) }; class gearUp { type = "rotation"; animperiod = 0.0001; selection ="gearUp"; source = "gear"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; axis = "osa_Gearwarn"; angle0=(6.2831853/2); angle1=0; }; class MainGear { type="rotation"; animperiod = 4; selection ="nosewheel"; axis = "axisnosewheel"; source = "gear"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0=0; angle1=1.6; }; class nosedoorleft { type="rotation"; animperiod = 2; selection ="nosedoorleft"; axis = "axisnosedoorleft"; source = "gear"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0=0; angle1=-1.570790; }; class nosedoorright { type="rotation"; animperiod = 2; selection ="nosedoorright"; axis = "axisnosedoorright"; source = "gear"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0=0; angle1=1.570790; }; class leftwing { type ="rotation"; source="speed"; selection ="leftwing"; axis ="axisleftwing"; memory=1; sourceAddress= "clamp"; minValue = 85; maxValue = 135; angle0 =0; angle1 = "rad -56"; }; class rightwing : leftwing { selection ="rightwing"; axis ="axisrightwing"; angle0 =0; angle1 = "rad +56"; }; class FrontWheel { type= "rotation"; animperiod = 4; selection ="Frontwheel"; axis= "osa frontwheel"; source = "gear"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0=1.431164; angle1=0; }; class frontGear { type = "rotation"; animperiod = 4; selection = "front strut 2"; axis = "osa front strut 2"; source = "gear"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0=-0.994834; angle1=0; }; class leftwheeldoor { type = "rotation"; animperiod = 2; selection = "leftwheeldoor"; axis = "axisleftwheeldoor"; source = "gear"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 =0; angle1 =-2.15; }; class rightwheeldoor { type = "rotation"; animperiod = 2; selection = "rightwheeldoor"; axis = "axisrightwheeldoor"; source = "gear"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 =0; angle1 =2.15; }; class venttail { type = "rotation"; selection = "venttail"; axis = "axisventtail"; initPhase = 1; source = "gear"; animPeriod = 3; sourceAddress = "clamp"; angle0 =0; angle1 =-1.57; }; class LeftGear { source = "gear"; type ="rotation"; animPeriod =2; selection ="leftwheel"; axis ="axisleftwheel"; angle0 =0; angle1 =.7; }; class RightGear { source = "gear"; type ="rotation"; animPeriod =2; selection ="rightwheel"; axis ="axisrightwheel"; angle0 =0; angle1 =-.7; }; class VTE_rotate_Wheels { type = "rotationX"; source = "wheel"; selection = "wheels"; axis = ""; memory = true; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 4; angle0 = 0; angle1 = "rad -360"; }; class VTE_rotate_Wheels1 { type = "rotationX"; source = "wheel"; selection = "wheels1"; axis = ""; memory = true; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 4; angle0 = 0; angle1 = "rad -360"; }; class VTE_Rudder { type = "rotation"; source = "rudder"; selection = "rudder"; axis = "osa rudder"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 25"; angle1 = "rad -25"; }; class VTE_ElevRight { type = "rotation"; source = "elevator"; selection = "elevator right"; axis = "osa elevator right"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 25"; angle1 = "rad -25"; }; class VTE_ElevLeft { type = "rotation"; source = "elevator"; selection = "elevator left"; axis = "osa elevator left"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 25"; angle1 = "rad -25"; }; class VTE_aileronleft { type = "rotation"; source = "aileron"; selection = "aileronB_left"; axis = "osa_aileronT_left"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad -75"; angle1 = "rad 75"; }; class VTE_aileronRight { type = "rotation"; source = "aileron"; selection = "aileronB_right"; axis = "osa_aileronT_right"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 75"; angle1 = "rad -75"; }; class VTE_aileronTleft { type = "rotation"; source = "aileron"; selection = "aileronT_left"; axis = "osa_aileronT_left"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad -75"; angle1 = "rad 75"; }; class VTE_aileronTRight { type = "rotation"; source = "aileron"; selection = "aileronT_right"; axis = "osa_aileronT_right"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 75"; angle1 = "rad -75"; }; class VTE_FlapsRight { type = "rotation"; source = "flap"; selection = "flaps_right"; axis = "osa_flaps_right"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "0"; angle1 = "rad 55"; }; class VTE_FlapsLeft { type = "rotation"; source = "flap"; selection = "flaps_left"; axis = "osa_flaps_left"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "0"; angle1 = "rad 55"; }; class VTE_throttle { type = "rotation"; source = "elevator"; selection = "throttle"; axis = "osa_throttle"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "0"; angle1 = "rad 90"; }; class VTE_Sticka { type = "rotation"; source = "elevator"; selection = "sticka"; axis = "osa sticka"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 10"; angle1 = "rad -10"; }; class VTE_joystick { type = "rotation"; source = "aileron"; selection = "joystick"; axis = "osa joystick"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad -35"; angle1 = "rad 35"; }; class VTE_vrtule { type = "rotation"; source = "rotor"; selection = "vrtule"; axis = "osa vrtule"; angle0 = 0; angle1 = -2 * 3.1415; }; }; }; class PRACS_MiG23_CAP: PRACS_MiG23 {}; class PRACS_MiG27_GBU: PRACS_MiG23 {}; class PRACS_MiG27: PRACS_MiG23 {}; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqu 0 Posted January 3, 2009 Have you tryed like this in the skeleton section?... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class PRACS_MiG23Skeleton: Plane { skeletonInherit="Plane"; // <---- NOTE THIS isDiscrete = 1; ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wld427 1705 Posted January 3, 2009 yes and i get a skeleton inherit error Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqu 0 Posted January 3, 2009 That error message doesn't make sense to me. I can't see any "mainGear" bone in your config. You have mainGear anim, but I doubt it refers to that. Also there is no mainGear bone in the Plane skeleton which it inherits (or Vehicle which is inherited by Plane). Are you sure you looked the right place in the rpt file? It can get quite big if you don't delete it once a while. I think you could try remove teh inheritance of the Plane skeleton if you don't need it for anything. As long as you have the mig-23 Vehicle class inheriting the Plane _vehicle_class (or what ever is the correct parent class according to the Vehicle class tree). I would be tempted to ignore the message if the anims worked in the game (and in Bulldozer if you have them in the model.cfg, not config.cpp) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wld427 1705 Posted January 3, 2009 i know ..... its crazy isnt it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 28 Posted January 4, 2009 I think you could try remove teh inheritance of the Plane skeleton if you don't need it for anything. Agree. I'd drop it and use all unique names for my bones and define them all in you own full skeleton. I'd also make sure you don't have any other old versions of the MIG in a directory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites