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PROPER Shaders Removed by Lowplants

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= Credits =


kegetys for the lowplants tool to remove the given

shaders from a PBO.


= Features =


Removes a specific shader with the lowplants tool from the given PBO.

This gives more FPS if shaders details are set to low or higher.

Removes the shine effect on the unit made by the shader.


Very high shaders (standard) vs Very high shaders (lowplants applied on tracked.pbo)

p001.jpg   p002.jpg

p003.jpg   p004.jpg

p005.jpg   p006.jpg


= Q&A =


Q: Will there be updates.

A1: If there are any problems or possible additional tweaks.


= Download =


Thanks to Mr. Burns and armed-assault.de for initial hosting!

proper_shaders_removed_by_lowplants.7z (720 MB)

armaholic mirror

proper_shaders_removed_by_lowplants.7z (720 MB)

armedassault.info mirror

proper_shaders_removed_by_lowplants.7z (720 MB)

The all-in-one pack includes

* proper_a10.pbo

* proper_air.pbo

* proper_buildings.pbo

* proper_cti_buildings.pbo

* proper_misc.pbo

* proper_signs.pbo

* proper_tracked.pbo

* proper_water.pbo

* proper_weapons.pbo

* proper_wheeled.pbo

It would be useful to have each single PBO download as well

I think. So looking for additional mirrors. smile_o.gif

Bisign files are included in each package.

Public key:


DO NOT COPY IN  .\ArmA\addons!

Instead put it into .\ArmA\@PROPER\addons.

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Love your mods ,i'm a big fan of them nener.gif .I have a "normal" comp and not one of the super type things other's have on this forum! the F.P.S i gain with your mods are most welcome. Thanks for another adddition.

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Thanks for the mirrors!

I am still hoping anyone is up for a single PBO each mirror. wink_o.gif

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