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Bomb dropping alarm

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What about when you're in your A-10 Thunderbolt II (or any other aircraft that is able to drop bombs) and have the permission to drop some of your MK-80's on assigned targets. When you marked your target and flying near it, your plane should make a sort of alarm sound when you have to drop the bomb amidiatly, or the bomb will pass the target (meaning you've dropped it too late). You maybe think this is crazy but this will make it easier to engage enemy Armored Fighting Vehicles while flying in a bomb-dropping aircraft biggrin_o.gif

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What about when you're in your A-10 Thunderbolt II (or any other aircraft that is able to drop bombs) and have the permission to drop some of your MK-80's on assigned targets. When you marked your target and flying near it, your plane should make a sort of alarm sound when you have to drop the bomb amidiatly, or the bomb will pass the target (meaning you've dropped it too late). You maybe think this is crazy but this will make it easier to engage enemy Armored Fighting Vehicles while flying in a bomb-dropping aircraft biggrin_o.gif

good idea. what would be even better is ccip. continually calculated impact point. basically it shows a marker where the bomb will hit.

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basically it shows a marker where the bomb will hit.

No thanks.

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basically it shows a marker where the bomb will hit.

No thanks.

Why don't you want it? It is a feature on the real thing.

It could possibly be done with some scripting in ArmA.

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Why don't you want it? It is a feature on the real thing.

How accurate is this system IRL ? It might be a great addition, if it does not ruin gameplay. whistle.gif

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basically it shows a marker where the bomb will hit.

No thanks.

Why don't you want it? It is a feature on the real thing.

It could possibly be done with some scripting in ArmA.

Reasonably accurate CCIP was already done in OFP.

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It would be nice to see a simplified CCIP and CCRP sytem in ARMA2.

Prehaps with CCRP you could toggle onto vehicles (like i assume you still will be able to do) and the correct HUD pattern will come up allowing you follow and pickle until the ordinance drops.

And a simple CCIP system to toggle to if you want.

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How accurate is this system IRL ? It might be a great addition, if it does not ruin gameplay. whistle.gif

Well I only know it from flying the A10 in Lock-On. It's accurate, but the process of targeting something is the hard part.

You designate a target, configure how many bombs are going to be dropped and in what pattern and so on, and then as you fly over the target they are dropped automatically.

Of course it's not likely to be simulated like that in ArmA, it's too slow and wouldn't really work with the short distances aircraft have to fly around in ArmA.

Maybe a simple option is to just allow targeting of vehicles, so you can see when to drop the bomb when the diamond shape appears. That could be done with config work in ArmA already.

It can't do any more harm to game-play than what is already done with the simple targeting system that missiles have in ArmA confused_o.gif

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Well I only know it from flying the A10 in Lock-On. It's accurate, but the process of targeting something is the hard part.

You designate a target, configure how many bombs are going to be dropped and in what pattern and so on, and then as you fly over the target they are dropped automatically.

That would be CCRP, that is if you designate a target on the AG radar.

The CCIP mode shows the impact point on the hud and you hit the button when you want the bombs released.

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