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Writing a config for a basic box

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Ok so I have been playing around with O2, and I have made a box. I also made a really basic texture for it. I was wondering how I can get this into Arma. I have 0 config skills. I asume that it would be pretty basic since I just want it to be an object and sit there, but I have no idea where to start. Any help would be great. Thank you.

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Here is a simple untested config for a basic static object


<addon class> with your class you would like to use IE armat_box

<pbo name> with the name of the folder that contains all of your work IE armat_box

<p3d name> with the name of the model that you are working on IE armat_box.p3d

<editor name> with the name you would like your mod to show in the editor IE "Im a custom box"

once all this is done just pbo it with binpbo and then load arma and launch the editor and your find your mod under "Empty-->Objects--><editor name>"

Thats it enjoy

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgPatches


class <addon class>


units[] = {"<addon class>"};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.09;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class CfgVehicles


class Thing;

class Building;

class NonStrategic: Building


class DestructionEffects;


class HouseBase;

class House: HouseBase{};

class <addon class>: House


scope = 2;

model = "\<pbo name>\<p3d name>";

picture = "\<pbo name>\picture_ca.paa";

icon = "\<pbo name>\icon_ca.paa";

mapSize = 1;

displayName = "<editor name>";

vehicleClass = "objects";

nameSound = "mine";

accuracy = 0.2;

animated = 0;

destrType = "DestructTree";

cost = 0;

armor = 1;



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I figured I'd add in my two cents as well, as I've tested this one and it works. As in armatechs post, modify the names to match your addon.

Quote[/b] ]

class CfgPatches


class MyCrate


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.10;

requiredAddons[] = {};



class CfgVehicleClasses


class MyObjects


displayName = "My Objects";



class CfgVehicles


class nonstrategic;

class MyCrate: nonstrategic






displayname="My Crate Addon";



Good luck.


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