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colonel well


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so this should be locked?

if nothing is going to be released this topic is pretty pointless

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no release  ... confused_o.gif

make your addons yourself  icon_rolleyes.gif

 pistols.gif   goodnight.gif

but I continued to work on addons and 3D models  tounge2.gif  nener.gif

have a nice day  wink_o.gif

Closing then.

And in the future:

1. Make sure you have permission from the people you "borrow" the models from before you start to show WIP pictures.

2. Start a new thread with your stuff only if 1. is true and if you intend to release the addon to the public.

There is no need to start a discussion about something you never intend to release. If you're looking for place to show your "modding skills" then this is the wrong place.

This is the 3rd time you use other peoples work without either asking them for permission or refuse to give them credit for their work.

Don't even think to make this happen a 4th time, the consequences you might not like.

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