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Viper Artillery

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Good News Everyone

Sander at lowlands has given permission to release the L16A2 Mortar  smile_o.gif  I'll be including it in my next update

just a question for you guys I have no mortars for SLA should I just make it where both armies use the same mortars? after all SLA is using older equipment and the L16A2 was introduced in 1966 roughly. I don't know anyone else that has released another mortar for arma.



It's cool with me. It's just a game so both having the same system is fine with me. It would just be nice to have something for the OPFOR to use. What would really rock is if you could get this working with OFrP's mortars as well. That may be tough though since they only seem to work for their stuff.

I'm having fun with this AddOns btw. Thanks for the fun.

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Hi Manzilla,

You're welcome btw way I can make the mortars for all 3 sides that way everyone can have artillery wink_o.gif it'll probably be over the next few days till I can release it.



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Any missions (SP, MPs) taking advantage of this great addon so far ?

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Hi Everyone,

I finally got done with the units and example mission and template see the readme on page 1 for updates smile_o.gif




I forgot to mention the example mission to use a different unit just change the calls and remove to the correct unit

ie..this exec /vip_m119if/scripts/remove.sqs

Have any problems let me know I had to rework the scripts

to make it work this way for triggers ect...

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///////////////////////////// UPDATED Version 1.21 //////////////////

1. I placed the wrong Vip_l16G.pbo in the file this corrects that issue sorry guys for the inconvenience

I hope you enjoy the updates



Viper Artillery version 1.21

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Hey there good job on the improvements! I love the new markers showing where the impact points are. I have a modified version where everything initializes at the start of the mission, only problem with this is i dont have control over limiting the types and number of salvos(no real biggie though), what id like to do is have it so i have magazines for the different type of warheads and just remove as necessary.

A couple of small requests/questions is it possible to make the firing unit call "Splash" a second or so before the first impact? And can you set up a Spotting Rounds? So the leader of the Arty unit fires a round and the FO can then make any adjustments before calling in the real strike? I dont care if we can't make small adjustments and have to re-plot the whole lot, its better than wasting a salvo on thin air banghead.gif any way great job so far! Keep up the good work

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Quote[/b] ]A couple of small requests/questions is it possible to make the firing unit call "Splash" a second or so before the first impact? And can you set up a Spotting Rounds? So the leader of the Arty unit fires a round and the FO can then make any adjustments before calling in the real strike?  I dont care if we can't make small adjustments and have to re-plot the whole lot, its better than wasting a salvo on thin air   any way great job so far! Keep up the good work

Hi Snoops,

It will probably be a few days before I can work on this agian

I'll work on the spot round I tried to implement it awhile back and got frustrated with it because no matter what all units fired thats why I worked on improving the accuracy of it right now I just use 1 salvo for the spot round till I can figure a way around it smile_o.gif and just to let you know the dcimp,heab,smoke and illumination are scripted rounds only way to make them work, the effects or rounds switch out the HE round at the last second so it arrives basically the same place +/- maybe 5 meters because of the angles of the shots. if you look at the config you'l see how I did it.

To anyone playing with this addon

1. how are the mortars doing any problems with ver 1.21?

2. any glitches/bugs with ver 1.21?

3. any suggestions on improvements?

Thanks snoops_213 and everyone else playing this addon I've revisted this because of my interest in artillery and arma's lack of I hope you guys enjoyed the mortars and howitzers as much as I have. smile_o.gif

P.S. Snoop I'll work on the splash it should be pretty easy just a few lines of code pistols.gif



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Hi Everyone,

Just to keep everyone informed Snoop is helping me update the arty to use XEH so there will be no need to use [this,25,1,1,1,1,1] exec anymore it will probably take a few days to update this so be on the lookout for the new version in the coming days the units will default to this but I already have a solution for this to change the rounds and types only using a trigger with a 3 sec delay a new template will be released with the addon trigger info will look like this

blue present,countdown=3sec


basically just like the old one but you don't need this for it to work only to modify the settings 1=true,0=false

Also the unit leader will call "Splash,Over" around 5 seconds before the first round




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Viper ... keep up the good work mate. Really enjoying your addon.

[TAO] Kremator

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HI Everyone,

I should be updating tomorrow I have dmviewblocker now working on the smoke the smoke is roughly 15-20 meters by 100 meters now also you'll only be able to call 1 smoke mission at a time it takes away the option till the mission is done a forces you to pick a new round reason being I had to make the viewblockers appear via createvehicle and they would not remove themselves via deletevehicle command more than once and would leave the rest there sad_o.gif

now they all clean up after the scripts run wink_o.gif



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Hi Everyone,

I just updated to version 1.3 I hope you enjoy it.

Read the readme on page 1 for all the updates




I'm glad your having fun with it Kremator I hope you'll like this one plug and play  wink_o.gif unless you want to change things with the varibles

Thanks agian Snoop  xmas_o.gif

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Viper ... this is great news. Downloading now !

Keep up this good work !

[TAO] Kremator

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I can't play the Demo mission due to deleted content called Zabrak? I'm gonna try to just remove that from the mission.sqm and give it a try. But I'm just curious, what AddOns is this from? I recall I had it at one point but I can't remember which one that file belongs to.

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Hi Manzilla,

I'm not sure always shows it in mine I thought it was a default addon only thing I placed was the units and triggers


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I can't play the Demo mission due to deleted content called Zabrak? I'm gonna try to just remove that from the mission.sqm and give it a try. But I'm just curious, what AddOns is this from? I recall I had it at one point but I can't remember which one that file belongs to.

Yeah just delete that. It's from one of hte alien addons.

[TAO] Kremator

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Hi Kremator,

Everything working ok with the update?

I wasn't sure about the alien addon seems to auto load even if your not using that I'll fix that in the next update when I get the spot round working.



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Hey mate, great addon, I love it. Is there any possibility to make that MP compatible?

Spot rounds and adjusting fire via action menu i.e. "add 50m" etc would be awesome. Looking forward to another update, well done so far!

PS: I made some new radio sounds for this addon, download here and use it, if you want. http://rapidshare.de/files/40808909/Sounds.rar.html smile_o.gif

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Hey mate, great addon, I love it. Is there any possibility to make that MP compatible?

Spot rounds and adjusting fire via action menu i.e. "add 50m" etc would be awesome. Looking forward to another update, well done so far!

HI vo.2,

I'll add the sounds in the next update  xmas_o.gif  

I used att natural voice because I was doing this alone and had no help at the time Thank you for the voice overs  smile_o.gif

btw  as you can tell I tried to make an adjust fire via action menu it moved the marker but units would not target the new position thats why I dropped it out for now didn't want to hold the addon on up because of that ...my time is limited to how much I can work on this home life ect.... have to make the wife happy wink_o.gif

Thanks for your hard work on voices,


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