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Server Connection Problem

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Hi, I need help about this problem:

If any player is entering our server this generates a lot of lag and sometimes kicks another player out of the server.

This is the server:


Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Enterprise Edition SP2


Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66GHZ


Connection speed: 100MB up and down.

And here is the server config:

// comments are written with "//" in front of them.

// server.cfg

// Configuracion Global.

hostname="[LagZero.NET] ArmA Chile 1.14 ex [One.cl]";

password=""; // password required to connect to server

passwordAdmin="XXXXXX"; // password to protect admin access

//reportingIP=""; // private server - no reporting ("armedass.master.gamespy.com" to report to the master server)

logFile="server_console2.log"; //tells arma-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called

// Mensajes de Bienvenida.

motd[]={"Bienvenido al servidor de ArmA de LagZero.NET.","Antes de jugar Entra a TeamSpeak: TS.BATTLEFIELD.CL:8778","Clave canal TS : chilito","Don't use XAM","Don't use Markers","Atencion: Puedes ser kickeado del servidor si no entras a TS", "Puedes ser kickeado si tu ping es superior a 250 ms", "VoN Activado"}; // Welcome message, two lines "," means 'new line'

motdInterval=10; // if motd has multiple lines, how fast to show these in succession (default is 5 seconds).

// Votos.

voteThreshold=1.10; // when one third agrees, this is enough to confirm a vote

voteMissionPlayers=0; // start voting for missions when 3 players connect

// Reglas para unirse.

//checkfiles[]={"HWTL\dta\data3d.pbo","dta\data3d.pbo"}; //list of files to check for identity


kickduplicate=0; // do not allow duplicate id

equalModRequired=0; // require equal mod

// Configuracion en el juego.


vonCodecQuality=10; //calidad del VoN, de 1 a 10.



// Verificacion de firmas de addons.


//onUnsignedData = "Kick (_this select 0)"; // datos sin cifrar detectados.

//onHackedData = "ban (_this select 0)"; // hacker detectado.

onDifferentData=""; // datos diferentes.


// Scripting.


onUserDisconnected="Chao CTM";



class Missions


class MPCOOP_03 // Seize the City.



cadetMode=0; // difficulty 0=veteran 1=cadet (not only AI, but radar, map etc)



Thanks a lot for any help.

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There is an issue in the DS.

It will be fixed in 1.15.

You can search for Suma's posts.

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There is an issue in the DS.

It will be fixed in 1.15.

You can search for Suma's posts.

Thanks Q, but I didn't find the post you talk about.

What do you mean? Is no solution for this until patch 1.15 release?

I don't believe it.


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I have seen some servers which found a temp fix they made custom connection limits per client so not 1 client gets all the bandwidth when joining = no lag or less even in Warfare

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the last weekend I played on 15th MEU server with my brother the mission Domination and there was many desync problem when people entering to server.

for example.

I was with my brother on a BMP-2, well, I was the driver and I saw correctly the BMP-2 driving for the way but my brother saw it turn around or moving to other position.

That was weird and funny xD

and yesterday I played on the C5 cerberus server but there wasn't desync problems, only a little laggy with many people with high pings.

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I have driven with people on servers to see the vehicle drive in circles over and over so u get out and all of a sudden the vehicle is half km away driving normal.

Another example is ur riding and the driver looks like is godlike driving through buildings and etc But reality your just driving down the road normally just some weird lag sometimes I even see it when all players have good Ping and no one is Desyncing. SO sometimes eratic driving is just some kinda sync problem with another player.

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I have seen some servers which found a temp fix they made custom connection limits per client so not 1 client gets all the bandwidth when joining = no lag or less even in Warfare

Could you tell us wich server have this "temp fix" solution?

I want to ask for help. huh.gif

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