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"class useractions" reference?

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Hi, i'm trying to figure out what config antry a useraction can/should have but searching the net didn't revealed some info (also the biwiki isn't a useful source for this).

Is there a config reference for useractions around somewhere?

Does Useractions have the same config settings as addactions?

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Yep, already got this. But as this reference adresses more to anims than to actions i doubt as these examples are complete with all possible config entries.

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It works for non-animation related purposes just as well. To add an action to a vehicle, you can leave the 'position' entry empty (position = ""), i also saw people using position = "camera".

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As said, as far it is described there, i got it. I wonder if there are more possible settings that can be made.

As stated before, the link you gave is about animations. The actions are touched just as far as they are used to initiate the animation.

But it isn't a complete reference to useractions (at least i guess it isn't complete).

I.e. is there a way to bind these actions to keys?

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Quote[/b] ]

I.e. is there a way to bind these actions to keys?

From what I know, not via config class useractions.

Instead you can use XEH with addAction.

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u can retrieve the unit that performs the action in a script (when set in the statement) with

_unit = _this; if that helps

u can use all kind of things in the condition field like normal if checks in sqf / sqs.

u can set statements like global vars or run scripts

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I know about the use of addaction and the returned parameters. The question was about class userActions in addons config.cpp and a possible reference page.

The main question i had was about if it's possible to assign keys (like as "R" is assigned for reloading) to actions defined in class userActions.

So it's not about scripting but about config.cpp.

But thanks for the input. I respect your try to help. Much appreciated.

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