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4096 map problem

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Save from wilbur as a PNG surface with 16/b. Open in photoshop and feel free to edit it here. You need and make sure it is 16b greyscale and that you select interlaced when saving. Then import terrain from picture into visitor and it should be squared away.

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i dont have the issue when i save the heightmap as 2048x2048, only does that when i try to save it as 4096x

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I've had lots of problems with 4096x4096 maps. Especially with terrain size of 25m.

Settings: 4096x4096

Terrain Size: 25m

Satellite Size: 4096x4096

Texture Size: 50m


Never loads in Bulldozer. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Attempting to start a new project in Visitor, I selected 4096 X 4096 as the terrain grid size, making sure the terrain cell size was 25.0 (default anyway).

Terrain size was then given as 102,400 X 102,400

Next I clicked the calculator button on the dialog to calculate the satellite grid parameters.

I input 102,400 for the image size in pixels, (presuming 1 pixel per meter) and the result for satellite grid was 16.

Might be that buldozer doesn't like 4096 as the satellite image size as this would equate to 25 metres per pixel.


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Sorry to interupt,

but just to clarify. You are saying that one(you in this case) can view a 4096x4096 of any configuration in Bulldozer?

So far myself and the people I bothered to ask report it crashing on every attempt. Would appreciate any hints how to solve that problem smile_o.gif

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