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Guest RKSL-Rock

EricM's Kamov KA-52 Alligator Released

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Try using the configs I PMed you two guys  smile_o.gif

Sure, but Parrot-fashion copying doesnt help anyone to learn does it?

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Gnat @ Sep. 18 2008,17:25)]
Try using the configs I PMed you two guys  smile_o.gif

Sure, but Parrot-fashion copying doesnt help anyone to learn does it?

I have learnt it this way smile_o.gif  so maybe it does at all.

There are two ways:

- leave eventhandler configuration in Your addon.

- write them THIS way (I know that's not the correct place, however...) outside of CfgVehicles!!!

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Extended_xxx_EventHandlers {

class YourVehicleOrYourOwnBaseClass {

uniqueNameForYourEventHandler = "exactly the same as standard BIS eventhandler";



Important note: EH made this way will also affect all subclasses of Your vehicle!

I suggest refering to XEH readme for information about using scope, exclude[] and about inheritance in them.

+ using ingame vehicles as a base class helps much. For Your addon I used Su34 (together with some tricks to disable turrets and fix gunaimdown to 0); for EricM's Ka-52 I suggest using Ka50. Writing config like that has many features:

- you don't need to code all the armor, sounds etc. values, just inherit them from the base class while You still can override them. User can gain features of soundmods etc.

- XEH addon makers (like me for example) don't need to take care of 3rd party classes in the code, and when Your addon is compatible with proper base class, it'll inherit all the goods prepared for it. Like countermeasures and ejection, and most of whining ("") and requests of XEH compatibility here are about it! EricM's Ka-52 is XEH compatible, but there aren't many XEH addons prepared for base class Helicopter, are there? Remember about "isKindOf" script command smile_o.gif

(lots of edits, forgive me - I hope it will help)

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There were no "whining" intended from my side regarding XEH. I pointed it out as i hear from addon makers that it should be added and since im no config maker i cant tell what needs it and what dont.

The reason i wanted to help and point it out was that the Dynamic View Distance addon didnt kick in when i started inside Erics KA52. This has happened before with other addons, and when they added XEH it all works no matter how you start a mission and i thaught that was the ideal so i posted. Sentinels Cobras was the last addon that had no XEH at first and the next day he added it and addons such as DynVD and flares etc started working by themselves.

Everyone does their addons how they want. This is a super addon no matter what, i just pointed it out in case Eric just had missed it. wink_o.gif



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Really great job Eric!! Agree with who says this is one of the best addon since arma was released.

Just two things noticed while testing:

1-windshield and canopy damage texture are not visible from inside the cockpit.

2-tried several time to shoot to the main rotor with a lot of ammo but nothing happens, the heli continue to fly normally.

I expect that at list a rotor stops and the heli start to spin i don't know if this is normal or maybe is something not working on my ArmA!

Anyway great job Man thumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gif

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Just recognize now about the rotors:

rotor stop only when heli is hit by missiles but not when hit by machinegun fire.

Maybe is normal this way, don't know?? huh.gif

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72 @ Sep. 19 2008,09:54)]There were no "whining" intended from my side regarding XEH. I pointed it out as i hear from addon makers that it should be added and since im no config maker i cant tell what needs it and what dont.

The reason i wanted to help and point it out was that the Dynamic View Distance addon didnt kick in when i started inside Erics KA52. This has happened before with other addons, and when they added XEH it all works no matter how you start a mission and i thaught that was the ideal so i posted. Sentinels Cobras was the last addon that had no XEH at first and the next day he added it and addons such as DynVD and flares etc started working by themselves.

Everyone does their addons how they want. This is a super addon no matter what, i just pointed it out in case Eric just had missed it. wink_o.gif



Sorry, I forgot to put "whining" in commas crazy_o.gif

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Eric, once again many thanks for allowing me to alter a file from the Ka-52. I've sent you a copy of the altered file as requested. All credit goes to zGuba for providing the fix.

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Great Addon man!. Just one question... Any chance of having it in camo in the next release? The ejector seat from the ofp one would be kool too. Any chance of having a model with the chin optics too? ANyway thanks for this great addon.

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