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Helicopter Waypoints

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I'm trying to make a mission where a Blackhawk unloads its troops at a certain point. The Blackhawk is part of the squad it's dropping, but none of the crew is leading. The squad has an 'unload' waypoint where I want it to land. It moves to this waypoint, but when the squad leader tells everyone to disembark, it just circles the area once, then lands, instead of immediately landing. I tried the same with a Littlebird and it landed in the same place but did not circle. I'm using the SLX mod. The LZ is at the crossroads just on the outskirts of Corazol.

Also, is there a way to get troops inside a helicopter that isn't part of the same squad, but without having to load them up in the mission? Like in the first mission of OFP, everyone starts in the blackhawk.

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Also, is there a way to get troops inside a helicopter that isn't part of the same squad, but without having to load them up in the mission? Like in the first mission of OFP, everyone starts in the blackhawk.

I don't know the simple way of putting a whole squad in but you can name the helicopter, say, A1 and put

this moveincargo a1

in all the units init lines, to move them in. moveindriver for driver, moveingunner for gunner, moveincargo for back.

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There is a reason why we have an editing forum for Armed Assault. And there's also the forum search you could use. wink_o.gif

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Not sure if this answers your question but click on your squad leader whose squad you wish to insert into the heli.

then in the init string type:

groupname=group this (groupname being the name of the group. it is a variable)

with this you can do a few things:

{_x moveincargo helicoptername} foreach units groupname

(moves everyone in that group into the cargo of the heli immeadtiatly. put in any init strings for all troops to start in heli from that group.

{_x assignascargo helicoptername} foreach units groupname

this will assign all units of that group to the helicopter you want and they will board said helicopter but you need to add the following string:

{[_x] ordergetin true} foreach units groupname

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