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3DE "Rob the Builders"  corner

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As you might know Lester of our 3DE team did the new EU Update.

Actual we are talking about to make  "additional content" to the EU or will bring themesrelated additional EU upgrades like "EU Stones upgrade" as sample.But this hits only the mapfact 3DE activitys.

With the possibiltys of 3DE the demand of mostly static objects are also gets more increased.

I write a similar post times before the relase of 3DE and now it should be clear for most of you, what the post about more statics means.

Isn´t so funny to make a market place table with only bottle´s on it.

Lesters README

should show things like naming conventions, icons, groups and so on.

So if you are thinking about to do also your own things like that, this should be a place to show and discuss about it, and  to have  a "little standard" when we are talking about.

So if there are people out there who want to be a "Rob supporter" and give him more to play in his sandbox, let us know and talk about possibiltys here.




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