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Formation Mod?

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The other day I came across something that would increase the distance between units in your squad to reduce the likelyhood of an explosive shell taking out half of your squad.

I don't recall if it was an addon, mod file or it could have even been a type of script. I deglected to make a note of it now I am beating my head against the wall trying to remember what it was. (only got a headache).

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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In fact i know that GRAA mod allows large formations (see GRAA options list, ENABLE_LARGE_FORM).

You can easily do it yourself by editing your main ofp config and modify formation spacing :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> formationX=5;


In the class man section of the cfgvehicles.

Setting X and Y to 10 for example.

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The 1st time i saw this trick used it was in the ECP mod.

Additionally there are 2 other big advantages in enlarging the formations spaces :

-Larger formations lead into making battle zones larger obiously, making you feel a battle having a larger scale than it is really.

-Larger formations lead into more flanking and less obvious guessable AI path, as they do not just move all in the same small zone.

So when you are detected and the whole enemy squad move to your position, you are flanked a lot more than usual.

Basically : larger formations = more interesting battles.

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Quote[/b] ]In fact i know that GRAA mod allows large formations (see GRAA options list, ENABLE_LARGE_FORM).

Thanks, Prof.

Thats where I saw it, in a GRAA readme file. You save me from a concussion.   biggrin_o.gif

And thanks to Sanctuary for such a great mod.

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