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Normal units vs Warfare units

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If I was setting up a squad, is there any reason I would choose units from the regular ArmA units or the Warfare units, other than the minimal change in uniform appearance?

Any differences in their config I should be aware of?

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in my opinion the v1.14 USMC troops look better in terms of textures and iam sure they have a higher triangle count. . .I would use the v1.14 USMC troops to make maps if your using "stock" arma..just my 2cents wink_o.gif



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There is no noticable difference between the units. Plus there not warfare units. Just the map uses them.

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I'm using stock arma yes, in order to avoid addon requirements. Apart from a few changes to the models (corpseman not having the medics rugsack etc) and a slight color variation on the textures, I haven't seen much difference. But model appearance is of less importance. I was more thinking of the new ones having some advantages or disadvantages over the old ones, such as healing abilities, different cost, or different camoflage values.

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