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config variables??

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OK, I've got a small question relating to variables in the config of a model.

for example, I've got a rock which i want to use on my island with different textures around the map. Is it possible to specify somewhere/somehow in the config, multiple objects using the same p3d file (of the rock), but somehow references a different texture depending on the object parameters.... like maybe some kind of 'texture_name' variable???

...Rather than having multiple p3d files with different textures mapped to each...

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Unfortunately, the config class name for island objects is hard-coded to use the p3d model name. So, no, you can't have multiple "land_" classes, and have them all point to the same model. You basically need to duplicate the model, with different textures each time.

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Fortunately tanks and other vehicles are not 'island objects' and do not require the classname to be preceded by Land_, so GB is quite correct.


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^ nice... but i believe that video is only demonstrating the ability to change texture using a script and setObjectTexture.

What i'm looking for is the ability to  define more than 1 class of object using the same p3d and each class uses different textures....

Eg: Rock_Blue, Rock_Red, Rock_Green all use 1 p3d file but the textures (or path to textures) are defined in the config.

By watching that video i can see that it is possible to change textures using code... i just need to somehow code that into the config.

Edit: ahh, Planck posted while i was writing...it's starting to look like it's not possible...

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